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As I said in a previous blog, I usually don’t make New Year’s resolutions; however, I did find one that I particularly liked this year. I wonder if anyone has polled the population and figured out whether it’s women or men who make most resolutions.
I tend to think it’s women, because we always think there’s something wrong with us, and we tend to let everyone know about it. (For example, who here doesn’t know that I am impulsive, I love Sephora, and when you combine the two, I’m out of control?!)
With men, I think that even if they know they have an issue, they keep it quiet, silently obsessing about it, and never vow publically to do anything about it like we do; thereby, they create the illusion to women that they think they’re perfect!
Anyway, as my friend, Jeff, said today, “It's been a heckuva year, my Dear.” And, it has been, not just for me, but I think for most everyone. That being said, things seem a lot different today than they did last January 31st. The ending of the old year certainly comes with a new perspective for the beginning of the new year.
Do I want change in 2010? Yes. But, not for me, though I always try to self-improve throughout the year. I want the world to change in 2010. Well, I know the whole world can’t change, but if I had to make a resolution, it would be that things become that much better next year, not just for me but for everyone.
As for myself, instead of thinking of what the New Year will bring, oddly, I find myself looking back on the year. In retrospect, I only had two really bad days out of the 365 this year. They were February 11th, the day I lost a job I loved (and fortunately I did not lose the people I loved at the job I loved), and November 30th, the day I euthanized Rover.
And, looking back, do you know which day was worse? Yes, it was November 30th. Because, in retrospect, I got to do a lot of wonderful things this year, because I didn’t have a job.
I got to be a stay-at-home Mom for the first time in years. I got to teach Nathan and Connor how to drive and find (or not!) with Nathan a big lipstick. I got to enjoy Iz cheering, goofing off, trick-or-treating, and wonderful a snow day with her.
And, when I wasn’t having lunch under a tree every week with Jeff, I had a wonderful trip to Nantucket, started my own company, cycled my brains out on the rail trail and on the roads, spent lots of time at Crane Beach with Iz and Noah, Iz and Nate, friends, and by myself, went sailing with Steve and Brenda, interviewed interesting people I had always wanted to meet, reconnected with my wonderful and absolutely beautiful, in every way shape and form, girlfriends (Anne, Cathy, Laura, Marcia, and Melissa) climbed a mountain, and had help from my my neighbors giving Rover a loving end to her life. And, that was just the half of it!
This year, I didn’t have a job, but don’t you think I had it all? I do. My job, this year, was to enjoy each and every day; I'm now convinced that it was the job of a lifetime. And, while I could hope for a change in the new year with a resolution, this year I choose to being thankful for the past year with reflection. And a happy Old Year to everyone! ♥
Time to Say Goodbye
9 years ago
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