Tonight, my blog is short and sweet – I know, for once! (It's also late for my night owl readers!) Well, the reason it's late is indeed because of “Bye, George.” Now, you’re asking yourself, “What the heck is she talking about?”
Did someone spike her eggnog? Did she inhale too many evergreen fumes? Has eating all that cookie dough the last few days clogged the major artery to her brain?! (Is there a major artery to the brain? Okay, it doesn’t really matter since you should really get my drift by now!)
My friend, George, was up from Austin, Texas this past week visiting family for the holiday. And, I spent the evening with him. (Yes, my late and short blog is all George's fault. He is the "perp." Oh, dear. I have been watching to much Law & Order!)
Exhibit A, George (a.k.a., Georgie):

This picture is from my trip to Austin two and a half years ago; however, George and I concluded tonight that it was too many years ago. So, Austin or bust, if I still don’t have a job by February!!!
On that trip, I shipped my bike down, and George and I biked all over Texas. Okay, we didn’t really, but it felt like it! (Texas was where I had my first quickie, um, quick outdoor pee, and where I first saw Eliza Gilkyson, who is featured in my soundtrack.)
Anyway, George and I got together for dinner tonight. George craved fried clams. AND, did you know you can’t get fried clams in Texas? That’s it; I’m never moving to Texas!
We had planned to eat at Gibbet Hill Grill; however, when George called today, he told me his fried clam dinner date for last night didn't work out, so could we go to “The Lobster Boat” tonight instead. I said that was fine by me.
But, I did giggle at the thought going to a place called “The Lobster Boat.” Perhaps it was because I was subjected to Nickelodeon 24/7 these days. I half expected to be greeted by a maitre d’ named Squidward and for their specialty to be crabby patties. Oh, ye of little seafood faith!
In the end, George got his fried clams for dinner. I tasted one; they were fantastic. And, I had fish and chips. (Just in case you're wondering, there was no Squidward or crabby patties to be found there, okay?)
After dinner, I drove George back to where he was staying. We chatted for about three hours catching up, in which I confessed I still had nightmares about peeing behind that bush in Texas waiting for some scorpion (or some equivalent icky Texas creature) to bite my bottom!
Somehow Christmas had exhausted me this year, which is funny given that I wasn’t even working. I was dragging today, and I knew I was, because I didn’t even bother going to the gym. But, after I saw George, my gas tank went from empty to full in about 5 seconds. The power of friendship is indeed amazing sometimes, isn’t it? ♥
“We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over. So in a series of kindness there is, at last, one which makes the heart run over.“
~James Boswell
Have a safe trip back, Georgie. I'll see you in March, as long as the scorpions promise to stay away, way far away from my bottom! ♥
1 comment:
See, I can get crabby patties here in Austin (Whole Foods has excellent crab cakes), but not fried clams, so I had to get 'em while I was up north.
-- The Perp
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