When you lose some, you can win some………….back again. This has been my experience the last month or so with old friendships.
As I wrote in a previous blog, I recently connected with several of my high school girlfriends. These lovelies include Cathy, Anne, Marcia, and Laura. And, this all happened via Facebook; indeed, good things can happen online.
After seeing Anne (see http://goddessofallthingslovely.blogspot.com/2009/07/love-train.html), I told her that I would try to get us all together. She thought it was a good idea, and within a week or so, I sent out a coordination email. In addition, I sent out “The Way We Were” photos. I seem to be the only one who had a camera then. But, I’ve always liked to take pictures, and I guess I did so even back then.
So, here…“Where’s Jean?” Yes, this is like “Where’s Waldo,” except I’m cuter and (hint!) I always seem to have my mouth open. :-)

And again…“Where’s Jean?”

When I was looking through my pictures, I found several of Melissa. She and I had been the best of friends from high school ‘til 1997. When I was going through my divorce to Nathan’s Dad, she and I parted ways. I hadn’t talked to her in over 13 years.
I looked at the pictures of her, I thought of the all thing things we did together, and I knew that even though we had parted badly, now might be the time to, well, make things good again. I mailed the “Lovelies.” By the way, that’s what I’m calling you women now! I asked if anyone kept in touch with Melissa, and if so to invite her. Cathy said she did, and Melissa was game for the reunion get together.
I have told you all before about how much I love Crane Beach. Well, during my teen and twenty years, I spent most of my time there with Melissa. And you know, every time I've gone there in the last 13 years, I cannot walk the beach without thinking about her.
Anyway, her Mom had this awesome bird’s egg blue VW convertible; however, the only thing that undid its awesomeness was that the heat was ALWAYS on. I remember on one beach trip, she found a squirt gun in the backseat that looked like a crocodile. She named him “Killer Croc.” We drove down Route 128 pointing him at people. Once, when I was at Brandeis, she even sent me a “Wanted: Killer Croc” poster. I spent about 40 minutes today in a 100 degree attic trying to find it, but I couldn’t.
Here are Melissa and I. I think we were 19 here. I just had my wisdom teeth out. That was a horrible freshman break. I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth out and, right after that, I got mono!

So, I can’t find the “Killer Croc” flyer, but here’s an email from her that I printed out and saved all these years.
The subject is “Re: AWESOME-O-GRAM – PART III: The Awesomeness Returns”. Yeah, WTF? I’m SO sure I wrote that subject title! :-)
Anyway, this is Melissa’s reply to me, and it goes like this.
“God, one of these days, when I am not trying to get on a plane, I will make you up an awesome o gram. I think your talents are being wasted at that gin joint. You are an exceptionally creative and well spoken-written writer. You need to start working on a novel. It would be great. Write it about our lives, it would be a big seller. I AM SERIOUS!!! Your one and only Tuna Breath.”
She was right about my talent's being wasted at a gin joint; and, our get together next month would make for a great story/screenplay. Don't worry, Annie; I won't tell anyone about your Robbie Benson poster or Melissa's Jack Wild poster. Okay, I had the Muppets poster; I admit that! :-) God, I love you guys SO MUCH.
Today, Melissa wrote me an email. I was out cycling, and when I stopped at the 12.5 mile mark on the rail trail to turn around, I checked my Blackberry. I saw her note, read it, and I began to cry; in about ten sentences, she erased the last 13 years of me wondering why we ever came apart. I wrote her back, and I told her how much I loved her. And, I do, Melissa. I will sob when I see everyone on September 25th but especially when I see you; this I know.
We missed the last 13 years; but, I propose that we have a lot of fun making up for what we missed the next 13 years, okay, Tuna Breath? <3
Me ‘n the “Lovelies” will have a rockin’ good time on September 25th, I'm sure.
New blog soundtrack:
And if you should feel, the Earth move on that day, well, you’ll know why.
Note to All You Lovelies: Now that I've found you, I will never ever let you go. <3>
Another Pearls Make You Classy Tangent: I just wanted to present more evidence.
Me (before and after):

Will I Ever See My Son Again But Perhaps I Should Get Used to Not Seeing Him Anymore Tangent:
Nathan called this morning after sleeping over “Higsby’s house” last night.
I asked, “So, when should I come fetch you?”
He said, “Oh, well, we’re going to the lake.”
I said, “Okay, let me know when I should come and get you.”
About 5 hours later, he called again and said, “Mom, um, I’ve got my bike now, and I’m going to Sam’s.”
I asked, “Are you sleeping over there?”
He said, “I don’t know.”
I said, “Well, let me know either way. Do you need anything?”
Half of me wanted him to “need” something just so I could see him for 5 minutes, which was about all the time I saw him last night!
He said, “No. I don’t need anything.”
I said, “Be careful biking. I love you.”
He said, “I love you, too.”
He then texted me an hour later: “I’m sleeping over.”
Jeez. I forget what he looks like, though at 6’2”, I still remember he’s taller than me!
I love that boy even more. <3
Re: "before" and "after" pic -
The wonders of electrolysis! You look Mah-velous dahling! Pearls or no pearls.
Re: Alison Krauss video -
I LOVE this version of the Foundations song. Thanks for introducing me to her sweet, melodic voice.
Re: Sept 25th
Am SO looking forward to it!
You rock, Jean. Even if you did mention our high school poster crushes in your blog! :-)
Thank you very much, BeautifulGirlWhoHadACrushOnRobbieBenson. <3 Sorry, but that was just too cute about Robbie and way more "normal" than me with my Kermit and Miss Piggy poster! What was up with that?! Here's to the 25th! I'll bring the Atari and "Pong"; you bring the M&Ms, k? :-)
Wow! I have to say I am "accessory dysfunctional". I had no idea that pearls had that effect!! : - )
I must just work on women I saw no change on the dog : - )
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