My best feline friend for 20 years...

It was a good death. ♥
It was almost as if Rover knew, and that she welcomed the anticipated and final catnap, which she knew would be much more restful than any of her slumber during the last few months. As I sat there with her, I looked at her beautiful paws, which I always loved. My beautiful polydactyl puss.
I remember being very distraught at a certain point during my life and having her sleeping on my chest, purring so loudly, that her purr lulled me to sleep. I remember being pregnant with Iz, and Iz moving around unsettled in my tummy; Rover would climb under the covers, lie against my tummy, purr loudly, and then Iz would stop moving about and go to sleep. ♥
After we left the vet's office and walked to the car, Barb said rather surprised, "That was so peaceful." We got into the car, and as we drove through downtown, Barb said, "Last week, I was so upset." She paused and then said, "But, it was the thing to do." And, then through tears, she said, "But, I will miss her little face at the door."
After I dropped Barb off, I headed to the greasy spoon in town, because I was starving, and I didn't want to be at "home." After a salad, a cup of chicken noodle soup, and two glasses of wine, I had to go home and tell Iz about Rover.
When I arrived, she asked me where I had been. I told her that I had taken Rover to the doctor; however, Rover had gone to cat heaven. She sobbed, and then she asked where was Rover's body, would we get Rover's body back, and, finally, if we get another cat could we name it Rover?
I gave her Rover's collar, and I told her that we would get Rover back; however, she would be ashes. I told her we would scatter Rover's ashes and have a party to celebrate her life. Right now, she is at her desk making invitations for everyone to Rover's party. Ah, that is my resiliant and lovely girl. ♥
"The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter. When I tell you a cat must have three different names."
~T.S. Eliot
Sleep tight, Rover, Doviedore, Miss Muffet. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you, Melissa, Chris, Tomas, Liz, Jeff, Brenda&Steve*, Nancy, and Anne. ♥
Thank you,Georgie. xxxxooooo
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