Today, I headed off to the Natick Mall in search of the American Girl doll, Julie. This was at the top of Iz’s Xmas list, and with less than 2 weeks remaining, I knew I needed to kick the present shopping up a notch or even two and kick my own tush in the process.
Upon arrival, I saw an intimidating two-story building. “All of this is just for dolls?” I asked myself. I didn’t realize what a doll Mecca the store was until I walked through its security-guard monitored doors.
It was as if I left Adulthood and entered Childhood at the door. It was a childhood that I certainly wished had existed when I was 6 years old. The store was wall-to-wall dolls. I was drawn to each and every one; and I wanted all of them! Well, I really liked Ruthie, most likely because that was my Mom’s name, and she was friends with Kit, and I loved Kit’s movie (
I found Julie (circa 1974). It was interesting that Iz was attracted to the “vintage” doll, especially one from my childhood era. Julie, like all the other dolls, came with outfits and accessories galore!
I never would have gone to the store, if I didn't happen to speak to Tunabreath this morning. I was on the American Girl website first thing this morning. I saw that they charged $20 for shipping, and I feared I might not get Julie by Christmas. Tunabreath strongly recommended I go to the store. I had nothing better to do, so I thought, “Why not?”
Whenever Melissa and I have talked about American Girl dolls, she always mentions Chrissy. Chrissy ( was a doll that was popular when we were young. Melissa said she had asked for a “Beautiful Chrissy” one Christmas; unfortunately, she didn’t get her.
And to add insult to injury, she spelled “Beautiful Chrissy” as “Buttful Chrissy” on her list. Her older brother teased her about that thereafter. Older brothers! Who needs them? Well, we do, but we didn't need them when we’re younger!
After a search, I found the “Julie” doll. She was just lovely, and she reminded me of my sister, Julie.

Here’s Julie’s bio: Julie Albright is a fun-loving San Francisco girl who faces big changes—she’s moving away from her best friend, Ivy Ling, and starting over at a new house and school. But soon enough, Julie learns how to create a few changes of her own.
Iz had also requested her dogs. The dogs comprised a mutt, a poodle, and a Chihuahua, complete with leashes! Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeee!

After being there only 15 minutes, I bought Iz Julie’s scarf and hat and an additional outfit. Yes, $200 later, I left the store. BUT, gosh, it was so much fun, and I realized then how much I had loved my Chrissy doll way back when. I only hoped Iz would love Julie as much.
Julie also had these cool, albeit expensive, accessories -- A banana bike…just like my sister, Julie, had.

And, she had a table with a fondue set.

I remember making fondue with my Girl Scout troop. Fondue is back in style, you know! Note to Self: Get a fondue set!
When I got home, I put all of Iz’s presents up in the attic, and while up there, I searched for my Chrissy dolls. I had my doll and the one that belonged to my sister, Julie. When my Dad moved out of our family home, he told me to come one Saturday and take anything out of the attic that I wanted. I took my Barbie dolls and the Chrissy dolls.
It’s funny, but I knew exactly where my Chrissy dolls were in my attic. In the far left corner, I found them, exactly where I knew I left them. I brought them downstairs, and the attic steps brought me back to childhood, my childhood.
I remember that my Mom had knitted things for them, and my Aunt had made clothes for them. Of course, it was the 70s; thus, these were indeed vintage girls. Here they are.

And, they had accessories. Whoa, just looked at those Granny boots. And, hair rollers! Do they even make those anymore?

I even had the carrying case! Or Julie did. I can’t remember which.

And here are the things my Mom knitted.

Somewhere, I have a picture of me in a sweater vest like that, probably made with the same yarn.
Will you see it?
No. Never!!!
This Christmas, I knew Santa wasn’t going to bring me a job; however, playing Santa made me feel like I was a young girl again, and who could ask for anymore than that? ♥
I’m Glad My Mind is Still Keen Note: I didn’t get the job I interviewed for a week or so ago; however, I saw this sign at the Natick Mall today.

And, I know I’ve had misspellings and grammatical mistakes on my blog for sure; however, when you’re making a sign for the fancyschmacy section of the mall, you should make sure you’ve got the store name right! It’s ANTHROPOLOGIE!
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