Purring Along
After I got both Nate and Iz off to school this morning, I arrived home and poured myself a cup of coffee. The sofa growled again, but before it could say anything, I ran upstairs with my coffee, dilly dallied in front of my laptop, and then I put on my running clothes.
Just then, I heard a strange sound coming from Iz’s bedroom. Okay, that’s a lie. I needed any excuse to procrastinate. To avoid looking for a job? Nope. It was to avoid venturing out in the 15 degree weather to make my way to the gym.
I knew Liam was on Iz’s bed. Like clockwork, I knew he was now stretched out at the end of her bed and snoozing in the sun. I may be a tad mad, but there’s nothing better than rubbing the tummy of a fuzzy cat who is semi-comatose, purring, and lying in the sun. I went in, and there he was.
I did my usual Superwoman dive into the bed, making sure my arms enveloped Liam. He looked mildly annoyed for two seconds, then he stretched placing his front paws on my nose and chin. Unfortunately, his claws were out. They weren’t fully out, but they were out enough that I thought, “Ouch.”
I began to rub Liam’s head. The claws began to retract ever so slightly. The purring became louder, and I thought, “I so want to be a cat in the sun today.” But just then Liam said, “Go to the gym!” I asked, “What did you say?” He answered, “The couch and I agreed yesterday that you need to get out more. Go!”
You Have but to Know an Object by Its Proper Name for It to Lose Its Dangerous Magic
Before leaving for the gym, I checked my email. I saw an email from Iz’s teacher, which showed the email addresses of all the parents in Iz’s class. After, perusing them, I realized that for such a dynamic and happenin’ chick, I had a really boring email address. My email address was like most – firstnamelastname@domain.com.
Last year, I belonged to a club, which comprised of mostly older women. I was in charge of sending out email about the monthly meeting. I began to notice email addresses that just seemed so, err, boring.
Like MyrtleP3456030@domain.com.
Um, can't you come up with something a tad bit more creative than that?
And, as you know, I'm all about uniqueness.
Maybe like MyrtlePLovesHerSneakersWithTheVelcroStraps@domain.com.
Or MyrtlePStillHasAllHerOwnTeeth@domain.com or perhaps MyrtlePIsOnTheHuntForaSexyOlderGentlemanInHisEarlyEighties@domain.com?
So, here were some email addresses that I thought were pretty unique:
Perhaps, I should run a service that crafts cool email addresses for people. They fill out a survey, and then I send them back an email address that won’t require them to have a 7-digit number after it!
"So Jane, your email is currently JaneSmith1987123@domain.com, but I think that you may be a bit more fulfilled in life if you change it to JumpingJaneSmittyGroovingtoGratefulDead@domain.com. So, what do you think, Jane, hmmm?"
Criteria for the Naughty or Nice List or Is a Do-Over a Possibility?
When I drove Iz to school this morning, she asked if she was on the Naughty or Nice list.
I said, “I think you’re on the nice list; however; when I ask you to take a bath or clean up your room and you give me a hard time, you might end up on the Naughty list for a bit.”
She cringed and then asked, “Can you get off the Naughty list?”
I answered, “If you listen to me, you will always be on the Nice list.”
She asked, “So, I can do a do-over?”
I answered, “Of course!”
I wish Christmas was once a month; it’s the only behavior modification leverage I have all year it seems!
Old Angst Sigh or It’s Not too Soon to Be thinking about Your New Year’s Resolutions
When I arrived home, I logged into my blog. I read a few of the blogs I subscribe to, one of which is “Please Don’t Feed the Models.” Here, I found my New Year’s resolution. I never make them, so this seemed to be more like the anthem for my life than my New Year’s resolution.

Real Athletes Don’t Match and They Sweat!
I finally made it to the gym after 3 hours of procrastination, but it was procrastination well spent.
While at the gym, a local business man’s wife came in. I have to question her work out each time I see her there. She gets on the stationary bike and does 50 rpm, which is something I think I can do in my sleep. And, she wears a totally head-to-toe matching sweat suit; today, it was pure white.
When I got off the treadmill after running 3.4 miles, I was sweating profusely. I saw her sitting there on the bike. She had make up on, her glasses were perched on the end of her nose, and while she “rode,” she read the paper. I suppose she is “exercising,” but not for nothing, you should look like this after exercising and not like you’re ready for a fancy dinner where the invite says, "Matching White Sweatsuits Only."

Whirlpool is Coming to Town or I Always Wanted a Washing Machine for Christmas
If you added a guitar track to this, it might be a good dance song!
The Art of the Appliance Deal or Get Some Ovaries and Negotiate
It was obvious to me today that my washing machine was about to die or explode! So, I dropped by the appliance store after Nate and I saw Plume. (She’s a gorgeous kitten!)
I told the salesman that I needed a washer.
He asked, “Top loader or front loader?”
I said, “I’m unemployed. I’d like it to be cheap, last longer than this one did (6 years!), and a front loader.”
He laughed. Why do I always make people laugh?! I pulled out my recommendations from the repair man. He suggested a Fisher-Paykel (I already had their dishwasher and loved it) or the Whirlpool Duet.
He showed me the Fisher-Paykel. It was a top loader, and after the sale price and rebates, it was $500. I really didn’t want a top-loader, and the washer looked cheap.
He then said, “Oh,” as he moved toward the door, “I have last year’s model of the Whirlpool Duet. You can have it for $600 cash.”
I said, “Well, I don’t have $600 cash on me.”
He said, “You can pay with check or credit card.”
I said (and I have no idea where this moxie came from), “How about $550?”
He looked stunned.
I think at that moment that MY years of “Yes, that’s okay,” had boiled up inside me.
He shot back, “$575.”
I shot back, “$560!”
He said, “Okay!”
As we moved toward the register to close the deal, I asked, “And, you will you apply the $40 from the service visit on my washer yesterday to the bill?”
He replied, “You’re killing me.”
Whether or not he won or I did, in the end, it was so good to make a stand and to have someone respect that stand. ♥
Today’s Quote Which Will Be Going on My Headstone
In addition to these quotes on my headstone…
"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
"...for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."
~George Eliot
I would like this one, too.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”
~Jack Kerouac
And, yes, at this rate, I will need to be buried under a billboard along Route 2A to accomodate all that text. ♥
My Social Calendar Next Week or Because She Likes to See Her Name in My Blog
I usually don't post intimate details about my social life here. Oh, um, I forgot. Yes I do! Next Tuesday, I am having lunch with Nancy; before lunch, we will go to a vintage store, one which I've never been to before, believe it or not! Anyway, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy! ♥
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