Okay, so I am not forced to work anytime soon it would appear, BUT I love these cocktail napkins that I had out last night.
Iz was the perfect junior party hostess, making sure everyone had a name tag upon arrival and then putting the rooster hat on Thundie so everyone could take pictures! Yes, she was totally Julie on the Love Boat last night.
This is like the sneakers on the highway phenomenon; it's the there's-plenty-of-space-in-the-house-but-why-is-everyone-in-the-kitchen phenomenon! Actually, it really didn't bother me. I love to have parties. Really, I'd have a huge one every month, but it was so funny (no, heartwarming) when I realized that all 12 people were drinking, eating, and talking in the kitchen.
Note to Self: During next home renovation, bin the family room and the living room; make one MASSIVE kitchen, and then put a small sofa with a TV in the corner. :-)
Cats...I know...it always comes back to cats. At one point, TomB, who doesn't like cats, but I think he really does, had Thunderbolt in his arms. I grabbed my camera, but I was unable to get a picture of it. Damn! I missed confirmation that Tom's "I Hate Cats" calendar was a sham all along! And, I know he lives with a cat...okay, so he tolerates a cat. :-)
So, in addition to all 12 people crammed in the kitchen, there was also Liam and Thundie. Someone asked me if they were always around like that. I had to say, "No." In the thick of it, there were Liam and Thundie socializing with everyone. I knew it; Iz sublet her junior party hostess responsiblities out to them in exchange for extra cat crunchies and distemper shots!
Here's Thundie wedging himself between Gil and Jeff.
At one point, Gil told me that my talents were best in party planning or something like that; it's probably true. Before I arrived on the scene of the_company_from_which_we_all_got_laid_off_that_shall_remain_nameless_because_despite_what_happened_I_worked_with_some_of_THE_BEST_people_there_in_my_entire_career, they had NO parties. I started it all with the celebration of Marilyn Monroe's 80th in 2006. At that time, I lived in a small cramped cube, but they all showed up for cake, ice cream, and to peruse my Marilyn Monroe books.
The next year, we moved to a larger building, one where we had our own little area. I planned the Marilyn Monroe b'day party again, but, this time, I added champagne, because I knew the tech support guys on the second floor were enjoying a case of beer every Friday at 5pm! And, after our party, it appeared that no one minded that fact. :-)
Thus, everyone had so much fun at that party, that a few months later, people were asking, "So, when are we having our next party?" This gave way to the "Funsultants." We (me, Brenda, Sarah, and Nancy) did most of the planning, but we didn't mind. We assigned a party theme, asked for a food and/or monetary contribution, and aaaaaaaaway we go, and how sweet it is!!! :-))
Err, see "Jackie Gleason," who my Dad loved; I remember watching the June Taylor dancers. Those girls started synchromized swimming before it ever went aquatic!!! :-)
The wonderful thing about hosting a party is...getting flowers! I love getting flowers.
From Nancy...
From Jeff...
Thanks to both of you.
You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right.
~Maya AngelouEveryone at the party could never go our work "home" again; however, last night, we just chose to go to a different "home" -- mine! And, it was true, because as the evening went on, it was like we had never left our cube offices on the first floor. No matter where we were, we couldn't leave that "home," because we loved it so much. <3

Note to a Frazzled Melissa Mom: I know how you feel a tad. This was Mess #1454 I had to pick up after she was only home for 10 minutes today! :-)

Note to a Very Creative and Funny Chuck: Thanks for my I-Mode picture. It was, as usual, brilliant!
1 comment:
> Note to Self: During next home renovation, bin the
> family room and the living room; make one MASSIVE
≥ kitchen, and then put a small sofa with a TV in
≥ the corner. :-)
Now you know why I went for my floor plan :-)
Of course, I hardly ever have parties, but if I do, I'm all prepared...
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