This is a blog lite -- great fun, less words!
I remember in the late 60s or maybe it was the early 70s, my Mom drove this large tan station wagon. It looked something like this:

In it, I remember her singing two songs; she sang them probably to soothe her three (Jack, Jean, and Julie) “savage” beasts. These soothing melodies were “Three Little Fishies” and “You are My Sunshine.”
I sang “You are My Sunshine” to soothe both Nate and Iz when they are babies. To this day, they both remember me singing that song to them; I didn’t even know all the lyrics, but I sang it to them nevertheless, and I guess less, given they still remember it, was more.
I remember when the big tan station wagon died, too. My Mom took it for an inspection, and it didn’t pass. The passenger side floorboard in the front seat had rotted clear through, so you could see the passing pavement as you drove in it if you lifted up the floorboard enough. Imagine being that financially challenged today to let that happen? It was indeed a different world then.
Okay, so today’s blog lite question is...
Who is your favorite muppet and why?
(If you’re so inclined, leave a comment with your answer.)
My favorite muppet is Fozzy Bear.

Because he’s fozzy, and I so love saying, “Fozzy!”
And, I love saying "fozzy" just as much as I love saying "apropos!" :-)
Fozzy, fozzy, fozzy!
You try it, and see if you don’t like saying it as much as I do.
Plus, he had that vintage hat, which I'm fond of, and that polka-dotted tie.
I'm sorry, but he was totally rockin'.
I asked Nate the deep and dark muppet question, and he said “Beeker.”

I asked him why, and he said, “Because he goes meep meep.”
Okay, good enough for me!
I then asked Tunabreath who her favorite muppet was and why?
She said it was Oscar the Grouch
He was the muppet she could most empathize with because he was always grouchy.
I then asked, “Well, is it because you're Oscar before coffee?”
(Err, see Tunabreath as a potential Oscar before and after coffee!)

She said, “No. I am pretty much always grumpy.”
Okay, you have to love a woman who feels she knows herself that well.
BUT, HUGE BUT, I would disagree.
Anyway, Oscar is the muppet that Tunabreath “always looked up to.” <3
During my freshman, sophomore, and junior years of college, I worked for the Sudbury Park and Recreation department.
I remember during my freshman Summer, there were two sisters who visited the park.
They were leaving early one day to see a movie.
I asked, “What movie are you going to see?’
The older sister said, “The Gwwwwwwwate Muppit Cape-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
Since 1981, whenever I’ve thought about that, I always hear that little girl saying it just that way.
Okay, so there ends blog lite.
If you have a chance, please comment with your muppet of choice.
Lastly, thanks to all my supporters near and far.
I love you all.
Well, I love some of you more than others, especially the ones who buy me shoes, tell me I look classy in pearls, and support my innocence in that whole “barfing in Jim’s hamper” incident.
Okay, pants on fire, none of you do that; however, maybe you should! :-)
Oh, come on, I don’t get paid much for entertaining you here; actually, wait a second, I don’t get paid at all.
Boy, am I getting ripped off!
Good night to you all. <3
Ending blog soundtrack, OR I miss you, Mom, even almost 17 years later:
ok, Miss Piggy, because she was hot!!! : - )
and let me saying something about "purging" in the waste basket. Once, I "lost it" in an apartment building in front of a strangers door.....It gave a whole new meaning to "The Globe's here!!" : - )
Isnt Oscar cute? 'sigh'. I believe I was with PJF on night in question all night, I vaguely remember lying on the grass yelling words of love and devotion to our host, and PJF did NOT toss her cookies in the hamper!
My favorite muppet was Grover, because he had such a sweet, gentle voice and I just wanted to hug him. I also loved watching the young toddler faces just stare at Grover when he would talk to them one-on-one; they never seemed to notice the "Muppet Master" below...they truly believed they were having an intimate conversation with a real bald, blue person :-)
Regarding the hamper incident, this is what the party host had to say (recently) about the incident:
"I do recall scrambling after that party to clean up the several sins that were committed before my parents got home an hour later. I always wondered who tossed their did my mother when she found it a week later... " Uh, thanks for the visual, JC!
Thank you, my most devoted Tunabreath. Yes, Oscar, rocks and then some! :-)
Ah, you Grover loving one, you must SO have me confused with someone else! :-)
I've got to vote for Kermit. He's a slightly neurotic chap whose just trying to maintain some sense of sanity in an insane world all the while trying to keep his own insecurities in check. Aha the pressure..."Its not easy being green!"
With respect to the cookie drop in the hamper...Jean, I always stood by you on that one!! Poor Jim's mother. If she only knew.
Ok, has to be Elmo. When Katie was a baby we were walking thru Lechmere (yet another now defunct store) and she spotted Elmo on a low shelf within reach of her stroller. We got our first taste of Katie tantrums when we tried to remove (Ok, pry) it from her chubby little hands. Needless to say Elmo came home with us. He is now stored away in the "baby box" with lots of other treasures. Actually, I was just in there the other day and Cookie Monster's in there too (that was Eric's favorite). But, still has to be Elmo for me. Maybe it's the red. I can't wear him draped around my neck, but my Mom always did say I looked good in red. :-)
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