No job talk tonight!
I know.
You’re disappointed, aren’t you? ☺
Amazingly, I moved beyond the job thingy after I left my interview yesterday. Life’s too short to worry about things you have no control over. I did my best, and I left it and the 4 D’s (depression, desperation, disillusionment, and disappointment) in the parking lot after the interview.
Today, my BIG concern was my Halloween costume. Halloween is my favorite holiday. While I was somewhat annoyed this morning when Iz asked me how many days it was ‘til Halloween, (only because I had not had my cup of coffee yet), I am totally elated that she has developed my love for Halloween, too.
In response, I said, “17 days.”
She said, “But, it was 17 days yesterday!”
She then counted out the days and said, “It’s 16!” Of course, then I felt saying sans caffeine, “Then why did you ask me?”
She was still talking as I made my way downstairs to the coffee maker half asleep.
Oh, so about my costume for Halloween costume…I feel well within my rights to test you to see if you’re really paying attention to my blog, so…
Who am I going to be for Halloween? (The answer is hidden somewhere in another blog.)
a. Kermit (It's not easy being green nor is it easy liking pink and Hello Kitty!)
b. Jamie Lee Curtis (I was at Faneuil Hall in Boston in June, and an older gentleman walked up to me and said, “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jamie Lee Curtis? Err, Princess Di, yes, Jamie Lee, no, but thank you!

c. Helen Gurley Brown (Just say NO to Cosmo!)
d. Madonna (Oh, pick me!)
e. Marilyn Monroe (Next year! And, I’m really surprised I haven’t been her yet!)
f. Eleanor Roosevelt (Been there, done that!)
So, Tunabreath and I had plans to meet at her house and make a trip to a really cool vintage store in Cambridge.

And, believe it or not, you can buy clothing by the pound there. Err, I might have to resort to that when I’m eating my Microsoft Manual of Style!

Ahh, a huge warehouse of vintage!

And, lots of stuff to try on! Here are the mad hatters!

Beret Babe!

And, this is Tunabreath’s Halloween hat…amazingly lovely and spooky and only $20! Deal-schmeal and totally rufus!*

*After arriving back at Tunabreath’s house, her daughter, Sydney, heard me say a purchase was a “deal-schmeal.” I have no idea where I got that expression from. Anyway, Syd went on to tell me about a series of books about Moody Judy. Later on, Tunabreath and I were looking on eBay for vintage sweaters, and Tunabreath called one “Jank!” Okay, so “jank” means stupid or something like that, and Tunabreath had to confer with Syd if that was correct. ANYWAY, it reminded me of “Never Been Kissed” (fave movie of mine) where everything cool is “rufus.” So, what was my initial point for this note…hmmm, I have no frickin' idea! So, connect the dots yourself, if you can!
How did my costume hunting go you ask?
Muy bueno, muchas gracias.
Yes, when I don’t speak Latin, I can speak a tad of Espanol!
I got a vintage jacket, a black crinoline skirt, and………………..I’m sorry, but I can divulge no more; tune in on Halloween!
Anyway, I love vintage. I don’t know how it first started for me. Like Tunabreath, I always loved antiques. And when I got married the second time, I wore a vintage dress from the 40s. Actually, the first time I got married, I wore my Mom’s dress from the 50s. I liken my love of vintage to someone who loves art. I think clothing, especially vintage, is wearable historical art.
I am an avid people watcher; I love to go to crowed places, watch people, and imagine what their lives are like. A couple in their 70s pass by holding hands, and I wonder, “How did they meet? How are they still so happy? And, jeez, do they still have sex?” And, when I acquire each new vintage piece, I wonder, “Who was the woman who wore this? What was her life like?” Vintage clothing is history to me on a fashion level but on a story level, too, I guess.
Oh, I also like masks. Boo!

And until today, I didn’t think I had a gal pal who loved vintage as much as I did, but then Tunabreath saw this coat, and it was love at first try-on-and-parade-around-in-front-of-the-mirror! When I saw her wearing it, I knew it was perfect for her, and I said, “You look like a little bear.” Tunabreath saw the whopping price tag ($22), and it was a done deal.

Just Because I Write Something Down in My Notebook Doesn’t Necessarily Mean It Will Go in My Blog Note:
When Tunabreath and I were riding to Cambridge, we had many chats, and out of one of those chats came this quote.
You get stuck in your “I know-it-all-ness.”
I then reached for my bag and said to myself, “Where’s my pad?”
Tunabreath said, “You’re NOT writing that down, are you?”
(Though I know she really meant to say, “That’s NOT going in your blog, is it?!”)
I said, “Err, yes. BUT, not everything I write down goes in my blog!”
She said, “I don’t care as long as you give me credit!”
Unlike Nathan, Tunabreath just wants credit where credit is due, whereas Nathan wants $5 for the mere mention of his name. (Oh, crap! I owe him $5 now!)
The time flew by today; but, I guess that's what happens when you’re with someone you love and enjoy. Most importantly, I realized that it's fun to have someone to play with even when you're 47 years old. ♥

you mentioned nathan twice, so you owe him ten dollars. and did you pay him for the time you mentioned him and college?
tunabreath looks really good in that coat.
i am catching up, lol
Tommy!!!!! I was never good at math. Hello, you...I have missed you. I hope everything is good is California. <3
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