When out and about the other day, I came across this.

Who knew that duct tape (or in this case duck tape) came in colors like pink and purple. I wanted to buy some just because it would be cool to have pink duck tape, but for $4.99, I knew I didn’t need pink duck tape.
How did the second job interview go?
You’ll have to wait, because there are more important things to discuss first!
I biked with Bill today for the first time in about 2 weeks. He had gone out to Seattle for his stepson’s wedding, and then after his arrival home, there was too much going on in my life to get out for a ride. It looked like yesterday would be the day for a ride, but then Iz needed her sick day.
Anyway, this morning, Bill texted me saying, “I know you u have your interview today but do u have any time to ride?.” I wrote him back and told him that I would when I got back, but that wouldn’t be until noon. He texted back and said, “That’s fine. Let me know when u r rolling if u want some company. Good luck on your interview!!” I think Bill missed me, but you know what? I missed Bill, too.
The interview?
Yes, well, I’m getting to that.
So, when I got home from my interview, I texted Bill and told him that I’d meet him at noon on the rail trail; however, when I went to get my bike out of the garage, I noticed that my front tire was very, err, squishy (i.e., it needed to be pumped up). BUT, since I broke the stem off the tube over a month ago, it was impossible to inflate said tube. Yes, I was cycling on borrowed time, and I so knew it.
When I met Bill at the rail trail, he was chatting with Richard. I said, “Err, I have a technical difficulty.” I explained it all to him, and then I said, “Well, why don’t you chat with Richard, and I’ll go bring my bike over to the bike store and have him fix it.” Bill said, “You’re not going to pay that jackass $20 to change that tire when we can ride to my house, and I can change it for you.” (Obviously, Bill doesn’t think a lot of the guy at the bike repair store!)
So, even though I told Bill that he should bike without me, he had the “Saving Private Ryan” ‘tude. Which, by the way, is a very loving ‘tude. And Bill said, “Let’s go to my house, and I’ll change that for you.” So, off we went to Bill’s house.
When we got there, he opened the door to the garage, walked in, opened another door, and said, “Welcome to my workshop.” We tipped my bike upside down, he took off my front wheel, and then I sat on the floor and held my bike up while he changed the tube.
I asked him about the wedding, and he told me all about it. And, then I told him about my interview. Even though I was eager to ride, it was really nice sitting there on Bill’s basement floor telling him about my interview and all that happened in my life while he was gone.
He said “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I was afraid I wouldn’t recognize you when we met on the rail trail!” It was so nice to be missed, but it was even nicer to have someone who wanted to listen to me in a way that my father never did.
This is a short blog tonight, because I’m exhausted.
(Okay, I always think “short” blog, and then it never turns out that way!)
And, how can an unemployed person be exhausted?
Well, I was up at 4am, because I was nervous about my interview.
Then at 4:30, Iz climbed into bed with me.
When she came in, I asked, “Are you okay?”
She said she was.
I asked, “Why don’t you want to stay in your bed?”
She said, “Because Liam is not there.”
I had to move Liam to bring her into bed, because he was sleeping next to me.
She got in, began to snore, and I never went back to sleep!
The job interview?
Gawd, you people are persistent!
After the interview, I called Tunabreath, and she said, "Well, you know you did your best, and if you don't get it, it's because there's a better job for you out there." And, today, that is my story, and I'm sticking to it!
I think it went well, but who knows?
I do know that whatever will be will be; and, whatever that is, I’m okay with it, so there. ♥
You Know You Really Love Your Cat When... Note: You kiss his nose, and it’s wet and smells like cat food. Then you remember, oh, there’s some regurgitated cat food on the floor in the basement that I have to clean up after I feed the kids, make school lunches, clean the litter boxes, and so on. Did he get there before I did? So, I got a tid (congegation of "tad", remember!) grossed out, and then I said to myself, “Oh, what the hell!” because God only knows what worse stuff (lice, flu, strep, and so on), I'm going to get from first grade this year!
Where’s the Beef Note: Thanks to Tunabreath and Tomas for always asking me, “Where’s the blog?”
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