Do you know what's great about being a writer? And, you really don't have to be a writer to do this. Yes, all you non-writers at home can do this, too. The great thing I like about words in general is being able to make them up!
See “soundscents” above. It kind of sounds like “nonsense,” and that was on purpose, mind you. To me, "soundscents" is the music and smells that create the roadmap to my life.
Even if your words are not recognized by Webster's, you can still plan, create, and deploy your own words. Yes, you can! Between the 17 of us, we should be able to find one word and put enough pressure on Webster’s to make it part of their dictionary next year! So, what word will it be? Suggestions are welcome.
When my sister and I were little, we made up a lot of words. I think they say twins have their own language; well, she and I were only 16 months apart, but we had a language; “Meenymophers” were the white socks we wore, and “Mocklit” was the result of too many bubbles generated when we would take a bath together.
Anyway, never mind the words, soundscents means a lot to me in the scent way. In May, there are lilacs and lily of the valley; it smells like Spring in May. What does Spring smell like? Wet earth, flowers, and a cool breeze. In October, it’s burning wood and the smell of dried leaves.
Post-it-note-to-self: Contact Yankee Candle and request May and October candle scents! Does March reek in some way? Does September stink? Yes, I thought not; thus, I deem May and October the smelliest months of the year.
To go back to sounds, the song in my blog soundtrack has always reminded me of Fall in a simpler time. I remember playing in back yard with rocks and sticks; there was no internet, Wii, or Nick Jr. then.
At this point, yes, you can envision me going into a “When I was little, I walked to school 10 miles, my feet wrapped in bread bags (of course, because they hadn’t invented women’s size 11 shoes yet!) carrying my sister on my back whilst having to do her Algebra homework. Okay, we all know that’s a lie, because I took the bus to school, wore size 10s then, and I could never carry my sister, and she always did her own homework.
Well, there was that one time when she was at Northeastern and I had to write a Shakespeare paper for her. She came into my room (I was still living at home) and told me about the paper in a way that my only response could be, “Okay, I’ll write it for you!”
I remember coming home from work one day, and as I rounded the corner of the kitchen, Julie popped out, and she was followed shortly by my mother. Julie said, whilst sporting the best I-want-to-kill-you-bitch expression, “I got my Shakespeare paper back today.” And, I saw my Mom’s “OMG. I can’t believe we sent you to Brandeis and you totally failed this Northeastern paper” look. Then Julie smiled and said, “I got an A-!” That was all very ironic, given that I had only received a B- in my Shakespeare class at Brandeis.
There is a point to all this, though, remember, it’s Sunday; no one should have to have a point on Sunday, because it’s a day of rest after all, even though I did all the laundry, cleaned the whole house, and ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym!
The song in my soundtrack reminds me of my youth. Just like, and she probably never knew this before, “Cars” by Gary Newman reminds me of Marcia and I dropping her Dad off at the airport and heading back on the Mass Pike. After dropping him off, Marcia got her Dad’s car for as long as he was gone. I remember going through a toll booth and hearing this song playing on the radio.
In regard to the scents, Jean Nate has always reminded me of my Mom, and Estee Lauder "Pleasures" has always reminded me of my friend, Bitsy. After Bitsy died, I could never wear that scent again, BUT whenever I hear any Tubes songs, I always think about her.
Um, before Wednesday, I vow to know this book inside and out.

I will review it, BUT…
I am who I am, and when the time comes, I will be who I am. <3
Cats are Most Often Road Blocks and Not Personal Assistants as You Go Along in Life But Strangely You Love Them Anyway Note:
I pulled out a drawer to tidy it a bit and immediately in climbed Liam.

I tried to retrieve a stray sock. I don’t know about you, but this kind of thing reminds me of a Jacques Cousteau special where the divers are poking at a man-eating (okay, there isn’t such a thing, but just look at this cat!) eel in a cave.
I Remember Jim Croce Well and I Feel Lonely Too Because I Miss Them Terribly Like You Do Too Note:
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