As I was eating my scrambled eggs in the greasy spoon restaurant yesterday, I happened to notice one of those free newspapers called “The Messenger.” I picked it up and began leafing through it.
After the article by the holistic dentist about mercury fillings but before the article titled “STRESS – It’s Time for a Change…” by a woman who had “NCTMB” after her name (BTW: What’s an NCTMB?!?!?!), I found and read an article called “Life Your Way – The ABCs of Living Life Consciously.”
It was by a Life Coach. I don’t disbelieve in life coaches, but then again, I don’t know if I believe in them either. Perhaps it was the “coach” part of “life coach” that threw me off after having been on so many sports teams in my lifetime.
When I thought "coach," I envisioned stout and sweet Bob Haworth, the coach of the Lincoln-Sudbury girl’s track team, sitting next to me on the bus back from a track meet critiquing my latest discus throw distance or the petite spitfire Mary Sullivan, coach of the Brandeis woman’s volleyball team, in her Fair Isle sweater yelling at me from the bench, “Nice block, Jean!”
A coach for your life? I dunno. Maybe I should try it before I don’t like it.
Anyway, as it advertised, “Life Your Way” was a list from A-Z about ways to live your life consciously (versus unconsciously?!).
It made me think of a book I had received a few years ago from a friend as a birthday gift.
When I first got it, I was a single Mom with a full-time job, and I guess you could say I had my share of stress. So, I decided I would become committed to reading it and (paraphrasing here)…outline a path to sanity by nurturing my spirit, my relationships, and create serene spaces in my life. Yeah, and how long do you think that lasted?! :-)
When I first got the book, I read it daily for the first four days. On the fifth day, I forgot to read it (probably was exhausted and went right to bed instead!), on the sixth day I forgot again (probably watched back-to-back episodes of “Law & Order” instead!), and then when I missed the seventh day (probably bidding on some vintage clothing on eBay instead!), I felt I was only getting more stressed; because on my path to sanity, I took a left at the rock that looked like a bear instead of taking a right at the bear that looked like a rock!
So, like Jim’s “fix-it-yourself” home repair book, “Simple Abundance” ended up in the bookcase for the next few years…………………in Nantucket!
For the last few years, my affirmation has been taped to my dresser mirror, and it’s quite simple, see:

If truth be told, I did bring “Simple Abundance” home when I was in Nantucket in March, thinking that I might give it another shot. Have I read it since then? Err, no, but I am thinking about it and have been so for the last seven months! I left Jim’s “fix-it-yourself” home repair book there; at least, I was honest with myself, thinking I’d have a better chance of building a path to sanity than dry walling the bathroom or fixing the toilet myself!
So, here are the ABCs, which might be building blocks for your path to sanity; however, if you can’t make a path, perhaps yours, like mine, can just be a few small steps (like from the bedroom to the bathroom) to daily survival!
Ask for what you need.
Balance your life in all areas.
Choose who to be today.
Discover your passions.
Empower yourself.
Free yourself from guilt, shame or worry.
Gratitude for all your blessings.
Happiness is your only option.
Intend to be happy today.
Judging yourself and others will stop today.
KISS (keep it simple and sweet).
Law of attraction (like attracts like).
Mirror an amazing life for the children.
Negative self talk is no longer acceptable.
Open Yourself to new ways of doing things.
Please yourself first and then others.
Question your limiting beliefs and see if they are true.
Release past resentments.
Simplicity gives you inner peace.
Teach people how to treat you.
Use your imagination to be more creative. (Check!)
Visualize an amazing life.
Write down your thoughts, feelings, and self talk. (Check!)
X-cess baggage of any kind; emotional or physical (cluttered house, desk) should be eliminated from your life.
You are the only person who can decide what kind of person you want to be.
Zero tolerance for self-criticism. *
*Author: Karen Reagan, giving credit where credit is due, but I don't have her permission; however, I think she has a larger audience for her message on my blog than from "The Messenger."
All of these are truly wonderful points, but, I think, it’s all easier said than done most days of the week; however, I did try “B” and “K” today just to test it out.
Be someone else.
I decided to be Eleanor Roosevelt.

Does it work for you?
It works for me, and she did say, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
I never thought I could be Eleanor Roosevelt!
Iz and I interpreted this literally. But, I think we kept it simple and sweet, because we kissed the animals/people we like; that is, Iz didn’t kiss her Nintendo DS nor did I kiss my Fisher and Paykel dishwasher!
Post-it Note to Melissa: Get the Fisher and Paykel two-drawer. I fell in love with it, because my friend, George, had one. Believe me, it's wonderful. AND besides, I know how you love it when I mention your name in my blog; however, unlike Nathan, at least, I don't have to pay you $5 every time I mention your name in my blog!
If a Life Coach were to approach me in the "Serene Spaces" aisle of Shaw's supermarket and offer a free sample, I would definitely accept one. And if I liked it, I might even circle around the store with my carriage, linger in the pet aisle for 10 minutes or so, and then come 'round again, and take another sample acting as if I'd never had one before. :-)
While I don’t feel like I have the time to think about all of the A-to-Zs each and every day, I still love life my way on the path to sanity; get a grip and Iz and Nate; oh, and last but certainly never least, my friends. Yes, that would be all the affirmation I need most days. <3
Monty is cute!
ok, here's my ABC's to the path to Sanity...
Always get a good nights sleep.
Break 23 minutes in a 5k before I hit 50.
Choose to e-mail the ex instead of talking to her.
Drink juice very day
Excercise 6 days a week.
Figure out a way to pay for my kids college..
Get the ex married to save on alimony : - )
Have time for yourself.
Intend to bribe any prospective guy to marry my ex...: - )
Juggle often
Kids come first, always....
Love the Red Sox!!
Make yourself a role model, but don't take yourself too seriously..
New York Yankees suck!!
Open doors, but don't touch the handles with bare hands to avoid swinearama
Pay your bills on time.
Question why the ex won't get married : - )
Remember you were a kid once and how you felt then..
Simplicity is definitely the way to have a healthy heart.
Take matters into my own hand and buy the ex
a plane ticket one way : - )
Use your imagination to find a husband for the ex : - )
Write down your tasks for the weekend, but don't make it too long...
Visit Grill 23, at least once a year and get the slow roast tenderloin.
Wish the Sox win another World Series!!
X-cess baggage of any kind; emotional or physical (cluttered house, desk) should be eliminated from your life. (no change)
You get what you give.
Zero tolerance for the ex not getting married!! : - )
Monty is cute, but Iz and I are far cuter! :-) Tomas, you rock! :-)
I <3 this blog :-)
Thank you very much, CuzzieN!
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