I may have used this song before, but it’s one of my all-time favorites, so we will listen to it again, because I’m the Goddess of this blog, k?!
As most of you know, I’ve been using my free time wisely these last few months to dress up my animals, form my own cycling company, visit lipstick statues in frickin’ New Haven, document the antics of my cheerleader daughter, err, look for a job, and reconnect with old friends. Today, I met Amelia (a blog owner also, http://sixtwothreetries.blogspot.com/) at her Dad’s house for coffee; she was visiting from California for a week.
I believe I first met Amelia in the 4th grade. We were in the same class; our teacher was Mr. Jones. Wasn’t he the coolest, Amelia? He was way ahead of his time then, teaching kids the basics, but it was the basics on creativity steroids! He almost always had music playing in the classroom, usually James Taylor’s “Mud Slide Slim,” had a saying, which I though he coined, “bippies burp,” kept a small (3 feet maybe) doll of President James Buchanan (Why James Buchanan? Who knows!), and let us create a town called “Id” that ended up spanning over 2 or 3 tables in the classroom. I have to say that after 16 years of formal schooling, he was one of the best teachers I ever had; here’s to Lee Jones wherever you are!
Err, here’s the only picture I have of Amelia from 4th grade. Nice jumper, girl! :-)

Okay, not to make Amelia feel alone in the 70s-fashion time warp, here I am around that age, too.
Could I have pulled up those striped shorts any higher?

Well, at least, I’m not wearing knee socks with sneakers like my cousin is!
Amelia and I became close again in high school when we were on the Winter and Spring track teams together. Here we are at a meet at Acton-Boxborough High School.

How do I remember that we were at Acton-Boxborough High School when I, like Bill, don’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday? I have no clue!
I think she and Perry, another friend and THE ONE WHO THREW UP IN THE HAMPER AT JIM’S HOUSE, tried to convince me to join the cross country team my sophomore year. I told them that if I didn’t make the volleyball team, I would join the cross country team. Thank God, I made the JV volleyball team; believe it or not, I wasn’t keen on running then.
I remember Amelia and I going to see the Boston Marathon together, because our assistant track coach was running it. We passed her something to drink at the Wellesley check point. And, I also remember us sharing a love of Earth, Wind, and Fire; in fact, I bought the “That’s the Way of the World” LP when I was with Amelia in Wellesley! We sat around her parent’s stereo listening to it; and, thanks to her brother, Teddy, that’s when I first heard of Elvis Costello, though it took me a few more years to start listening to him!
Anyway, even though we only got to chat for two hours, it would appear, that as with the Lovelies, the more things change, sometimes friendships, no matter how many years have gone by or how many miles are between them, are strong enough to always remain the same as they were in 1980; and that should always be the way of the world. <3
Simple Abundance Tangent Note:
I read today’s “Comfort & Joy” entry; it was about simplifying your life and mentioned Thoreau. Since I was an English major in college, I do know a tad about this Dude Who Lived in the Woods; actually, I read “Walden” in college and loved it. It even prompted my sister to give me this birthday card one year.

Okay, lame, but not lame enough, because I saved it for the last 25 years. (One friend told me I must be very “organized” to have kept letters from years ago. I told him that I wasn’t really organized when it came to correspondences; I was just sentimental when it came to matters of the heart.)
Anyway, my life seemed to be simplified when I got laid off in February; it’s amazing how not having a job simplifies life! So, once again, I reverted to Karen’s list.
Ask for what you need.
“I would like a peach iced tea with lemon and two packages of Splenda, please.”

Open yourself to new ways of doing things.
“Liam, please put away these shirts in the drawer. No, not you, the shirts!"
Nota bene if you didn't already nota bene it: Cats don't follow direction well.

But seriously, the scanner button on my printer was saying “No way, Jose!” whenever I’ve pressed it lately. It used to work.
So, I googled. Apparently, the HP4580 printer and Windows Vista hate each other’s guts; therefore, as with most “workarounds,” you must pat your head and rub your tummy to make it work.
No, not really, but you must scan via Paint. I know, this is most interesting, isn’t it? But there is a point to this, yeah, really!
If I hadn’t scanned in photos of Amelia, it probably would have taken me quite a while longer to find this workaround. So, I now have a new way to do this; so, thanks, Amelia!
Have a safe trip home, Amelia; and, it was lovely to see you again. <3
I ws in Mr. Jones class, too!!!! I cant believe I didnt know you were in that class. I remember President Buchanan but I thought he was a big statue!! Tunabreath
Okay, you have an amazing memory! However, I thought we were friends before the fourth grade. Could've sworn it was much sooner. Maybe it was recess? I had Mrs. Barr in first grade, Mrs. Hoyle and Mrs. Peck in second grade, and Mr. Bell (with the cool sideburns) in third grade. Can't recall who he team taught with at the moment. But I liked them all. As soon as you mentioned the barf in the hamper story, I thought of Perry! She never finished a cross country race without puking part way through it. Poor thing was not cut out for running or apparently drinking in excess?
I was in Mr. Bell's class...okay, so it was 3rd grade. You know, Mr. Bell died a few years ago; he was only in his 50s. He's about 10 yards to the left of my parents in the cemetery.
Aha, so it was Perry! Gawd, she probably hates me now. :-) You're home safe, I see. -- good, Ms. Germ. And, how did you ever get that nickname?!?!?
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