In addition to cleaning the refrigerator, the sofa cushions, and vacuuming the downstairs yesterday, I thoroughly sanitized the silverware drawer today.
Do most people clean their silverware drawer before having company? I don’t think so. But, again, this was something that was 1.5 years overdue, and company coming gave me a most brilliant excuse to do it!
Clean silverware drawer – check!

AND, how is it that the silverware drawer becomes so, um, gross. I swear it had every crumb from every dinner I ever cooked in the last 1.5 years in it! It was as if, a souvenir from each meal had decided that it would depart from the counter, hop in the drawer, and lie dormant until today.
I took every utensil out of the drawer, put the plastic silverware container in the dishwasher, and I was left with a mess in the drawer that required a vacuum cleaner and some Murphy’s Oil Soap and a cloth. How does this happen? I was amazed, because the bottom of the drawer looked like I used it as a cutting board when I made a roast beef! But, I didn’t!!!!
I’ve come to the conclusion that the silverware drawer is a phenomenon. You put clean utensils in it, and somehow (maybe when you’re flossing your teeth, peeking in the refrigerator for a late night snack, or when you’re cleaning the litter boxes), icky stuff sneaks into it! It’s like the highway-sneaker phenomenon. Do you know about this? If not, of course, I'll enlighten you.
When driving home on the highway, I almost always see a pair of shoes on the side of the highway. It's as if a certain segment of the American population buys shoes at the mall and then says, "Jeez. I don't need these anymore. So, I'm gonna pitch 'em out the window!" And, is it just me or does anyone else wonder about this?!
Okay, so maybe MS (Martha Stewart) doesn’t have to do this, but in order to board Monty at the vet’s for tomorrow night’s party, I had to get a fecal sample (for said fecal test), get him a kennel cough vaccine (Do dogs cough? No way! Dogs bark, and I'm sure that I've NEVER heard Monty bark - not!), and a lube and oil change. Yes, Monty was being farmed out, because he was not a party dog; if he remained, he would bark the whole night and be a total “non-dog ownership” confirmation for all the party go-ers!
So, Monty’s sample was collected, and here it waits for delivery to the vet’s for testing. Err, okay, just think of it as a small modern art sculpture, okay?! :-)
Fecal sample – check!

Champagne – check!

Champagne glasses – check!

Flowers – check!

Filho’s for Lasagna and Ravioli Cuz I Didn’t Want to Spend Hours Making Food – check!

Name Tags Created with a Very Excited Iz Who is Junior Party Hostess – check and priceless! <3

Marcia, Your Name Tag is Made; Be Here OR ELSE Be Subject to Much Harassment by Me and Iz. <3

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