It had been a while (largely due to rain), but I went out biking today with the Fabulous and Fifty-Plus Cycling Dudes, Ltd.
I met Jeff on the trail at 10am, and then he gave me the rider update when I met him -- "Leigh and Jim will be meeting up with us somewhere on the trail." Right before Pepperell, we met Leigh and Jim. As usual, we stopped, Bill chatted, and then after 10 minutes of conversation, Leigh said out loud what I was thinking, "Can we talk and ride?" Jeez, you guys think we chicks are chatty; in our group, it's totally the other way around! :-)
So, we headed up the trail, and we decided to ride a route that led us by the Clover Farm Market for Squannacookies; alas, upon arrival, the cookies were in the making, so there would be no cookies today. We settled for alternate baked goods when we got there much to Bill's dismay.
After getting back on our bikes and cycling several miles, we ended back on the trail where we bumped into Bob. I hadn't ridden with Bob in weeks. At one point, he zoomed past me. I yelled back to Bill, "He passed me with attitude." And, so I did exactly what Bob would do in this situation even though it was Bob who had passed me! I sped up and caught him! We lost Jim in the pursuit, so I let Bob go on ahead. I'm all for fast, but then I'm all for "Saving Private Ryan" too. :-)
By the time we got to the parking lot in Nashua, Jim was packing it in, and Bob decided to "bike" Leigh the three miles home to her house; thus, Bill and I headed back down the trail. At that point, we had biked 38 miles, and we had another 12.5 to go to head home.
While cycling home we chatted away, but not before bumping into Jeff. Of course, we had to stop and chat. As I told you, this biking is about exercise, but there's also a HUGE and wonderful social element about it, too.
On the way home, I told Bill that whenever I tell Iz that I am going out biking, she always says, "Again?!?!?!"
He laughed, and then I said, "Lately, I feel like I live on the rail trail."
Bill said, "But, you do!"
When we had almost reached the end of the rail trail, well, our end of it, Bill looked down at his odometer and said, "Hey, you must have 50 miles now!"
I looked down and said, "I have 49.50."
He said, "Well, by the time you get home, you should have 50!"
We took a left onto Groton Street, instead of heading to the parking lot, because we both were heading directly home. And then I said to Bill, "Never mind the mileage; I can't believe I was just on a bike for four and a half hours!"
Bill said, "It’s not really about the mileage; it’s more about time spent in the saddle."
After I got home, I got Iz off the bus, and we took Monty for a walk in the woods. And you know, while I really want to work again, I'm glad I know that this will always be THE most wonderful job I have.

And, most importantly, thanks Bill, Jim, Leigh, Bob, and Jeff for keeping me in the saddle instead of glued to my laptop 24/7, looking for a job that I know realistically is not going to be there for quite a while. <3
Tough Times Have Put More People Out of Work Than You Know Note:
Look, even Superman got laid off! :-)

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