Iz and Sydney.
I guess I mean it in that "Thelma and Louise" way; however, it's not in the crime-spree kind of way; it's what I'm hoping will be in the life-long-kind-of-friendship way.
Today, after about 10 text messages with Melissa, in which we each described what our plans were for the day, Iz and I were part of Melissa and Sydney's plans and visa versa. Before I knew it, Iz and I were in the car headed to the mall to meet Melissa and Sydney, because Sydney needed new jeans!
Of course, I agreed to go to the mall only if it had a Sephora. AND, I know it's hard to believe, but I actually needed something at Sephora; this wasn't just a "walk-by" in which I ended up leaving the store with a new pair of false eyelashes, a new hue of green eye shadow, or purple glitter eyeliner!
Plus, there was a Sears at this mall. (And, I can't believe I am mentioning Sears and Sephora in the same breath! Shhh! My Sephora Beauty Insider Card* might be cancelled if word ever got out!) I needed vacuum cleaner bags. Hmm, I wonder if they had green bags with purple glitter on them, because that's the only way vaccum cleaner bags could ever be enticing to me!
*I remember when I got my card; I was with Suze. I asked the salesperson what the card meant, and before she could say anything, Suze said, "It means you spend too much money at Sephora!" Err, um, and Suze was right!
As you know, Iz recently went to get her ears pierced but decide to wait until she's six-and-three-quarters. I also mentioned that I had asked friends about when their daughters got their ears pierced or when they might let them get them pierced. I had asked Melissa, and she said that she was going to make Sydney wait until she was 10.
While driving, I got a text message from Melissa which read, "I let Syd get her ears pierced!!!!!!!!!!" I laughed hysterically when I read it, because when Melissa said 10 was her age for ear piercing (though Sydney was only 6 months shy of 10), she actually had me rethinking my decision to let Iz get hers done before she was 10!
Once we got to the mall, Iz and I met Melissa and Sydney in the girls department. They had just bought jeans when we found them. Melissa introduced us, and as I looked at Sydney, I saw so much of Melissa in her -- a beautiful little girl; and ironically, the minute Sydney spoke to me, it was as if she had known me all her life.
Then Sydney beamed as she announced, "I just got my ears pierced!" Iz didn't seem to have any second thoughts about her decision to postpone, and Sydney told Iz how easy it was and did her best to explain it to her. I was so glad that she did, because I think I had scared off Iz with that ear infection jazz! And then I said, "Hey, maybe Sydney can come with us when you get yours ears pierced, Iz."
We made our way through the mall, stopping at "Justice" for Sydney and Iz, Sephora for me (where it was obvious that both Sydney and Iz shared a love of lip gloss and lipstick), the gelatto stand for lemon, chocolate, and vanilla frozen treats, and then various other random stops, which culminated in a visit to the Betsey Johnson store, where it was also obvious that both Sydney and Iz would like to shop there one day! (Yes, but their Moms would not be paying for it!)
At one point, Melissa and I were walking along, and Iz and Sydney were walking ahead of us chatting away. Melissa said, "They're not hitting it off at all, are they?!" I had to laugh to myself, because I'd never seen Iz connect with someone so fast, and ironically, she was saying the other day how much she wished she had an older sister.
Could it be that the daughters of two old friends...

Might become two new friends who will travel to Crane beach some day in a blue VW bug convertible while eating bullseyes (http://www.goetzecandy.com/index.cfm?page=caramel_creams_original) as they talk about what crazy lunatics their mothers are?

I hope so. <3
and ironically I was at this same mall yesterday and for the first time in my life at the opening of it. I went to every single jeweler in the place and Macy's to boot!! I am like so tired. : - )
Not often my daughter turns 16.
Warning to all, if your daughter's birthday is near the end of the month, don't wait till the end of the month to look for her birthstone!! Although I was successful!!
I love it! Being a mom of two girls...I experienced your day through the blog!
I am SURE Iz and Sydney will be friends forever!
I still love bulls eyes!! And fire balls!
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