I biked 25 miles today. Yeah, not a lot, huh? :-)
Bill and I went to see how the covered bridge in Pepperell was coming along. Right before we got to the temporary bridge, Bill said, “Oh, no. Don’t tell me I’ve got another flat!”
At about 7 miles into our ride, Bill’s rear tire was flat as a pancake. This was his second flat in two weeks. I thought it was rather funny, because I am THE Queen of Flat Tires. Yes, my picture is next to that term in Webster’s. See!

So, Bill dismounted and brought his bike over to the side of the road to begin tire surgery. For the last two miles, I really had to pee. Usually, I have two cups of coffee in the morning, but I time them so, I’m fully, err, empty by the time I bike. Today, I only had one cup, but that cup wanted O-U-T so badly when Bill stopped to fix his tire.
I said to Bill quite awkwardly, “Um, err, ah, well, while you change that, I’ll, um, err, ah, go behind here and, um, err, well, I need to pee!” The “here” was a 12-foot stack of railroad ties.
Bill laughed and said, “Well, there’s a port-a-potty over there.” He motioned to the construction site. I’m NOT a big port-a-potty fan, and given the choice between a construction site potty and a stack of ties beside the side of the road, well, the ties looked pretty freaking awesome to me!
I said, “I think I’ll take my chances behind here.” He said, “Well, I’ll just be here fixing my tire.” I hadn’t peed in woods in a long time, and I didn’t feel like starting today, but I really needed to GO! So, I leaned my bike against the timbers, and I rounded the corner. As I did, Bill shouted, “Be careful of the poison ivy!”
Needless to say, two minutes later, I was relieved that the Green Mountain Coffee Roaster’s Pumpkin Spice coffee (http://www.greenmountaincoffee.com/Coffee/PumpkinSpice?shop=GMCR?shopbrandtop=NO), which was totally delicious, was left behind the timbers in Pepperell!
After Bill got his flat, he wanted to stay on the rail trail, because he didn’t have a spare tube. We rode up to Nashua, met Bob, and then Bill said we were going back down the trail. Bob asked me if I wanted to go further rather than go back.
I was really happy that he asked, because I was afraid that he was still peeved that I dusted him last week. I then told him that I would bike back with Bill. I wanted to bike more, but I knew I had so much to do at home, because on Wednesday night, I was having 13 people (my writing group from my ex-company) over to my house for dinner.
Some people dread having a party at their home, but I am glad I signed up to host this party, because it’s made me do everything I should have done in the last six months but didn’t do because I was out biking four hours every day of the week!
When I got home, I cleaned the refrigerator, washed the cushion covers on the sofa in the family room, and vacuumed the whole downstairs.
I know that men think we women want all these "things" (okay, maybe I’m not like most women), but I love it when I have a clean refrigerator, sofa cushions, and no Corgi fur tumbleweeds blowing across the kitchen floor! :-)
Thus, happiness is….
A clean refrigerator inside…

And out…with all my groovy magnets!

I told Iz we were hosting a party on Wednesday.
She asked, “Can I be the boss of the party?”
I said, “No. I am.”
She asked, “Can I be your assistant then?”
I said, “Sure!”
Tonight, Iz decided that all party participants would need name tags.
And, love is…making party name tags with your daughter on Tuesday. <3
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