This morning when I woke up, my first waking thought was about what I last saw in my dream – two pine trees standing together. I don’t usually think a lot about my dreams the next morning, well, the ones I can remember, but for some reason, all I could think about today was two, like things that are two.
It was kind of odd for me to go off on such a tangent. I was just thankful that I wasn't still thinking about my dream from the night before, where I pulled glass shards out of my mouth during the whole dream. Um, let’s not even venture to think what that was all about!
Adam and Eve. Noah and his ark. Chicken or egg. Whatever you believe, it’s always been about two, right? Most of what is innate in life seems symmetrical. (Though, symmetry is not always mathematical, especially in matters of the heart. )
Anyway, after you decide how it all began, you look at who you are, well, not who you are, but what houses who you are, your body.
You have two ears, two eyes, two eye brows (though in the case of some men, okay, and in some women, too, it might be one brow over two eyes!), two breasts/nipples, two kidneys*, two arms, two legs, two reproductive associated-thingies that begin with “O” and “T” (I’m shy, so I can’t type it!), and two feet; did you realize that there’s a lot of “two-ness” holding you together on a daily basis?
*Thanks to Liz, my LovelyChiquitaGoil, for sending me this today; it was ironic and fitting. ♥

Then, in life, most things come in twos. Skis. Skates. Chop sticks. Utensils (knife and fork, and you can easily substitute either of these for a spoon after all). Wine glasses. Stilettos. Salt and pepper shakers. Dice. Knitting needles. Bangle bracelets. (One bracelet makes no noise; however, two makes a duo that goes “Klink-a-klink-klink!) Two bottles of Hermes perfume. ♥ Life is complete and good when it comes in twos, well, most of the time.
And in regard to numbers, even numbers, like two, seem to be much less superstitious. Take the number, 13. There’s never a 13th floor. And, going on a superstitious tangent, don’t walk on the crack, and spill salt over your shoulder after you spill it.
Beside crossing my fingers when any plane I’m on takes off, after I write the number 13, I have to immediately write another number. And even though, I've have had a black cat cross my path, given that I’m a cat whisperer, I figure I get an automatic “bye” on that superstition.
Anyway, everything always seems better when it’s even, doesn’t it? I guess that would apply to most things in life. The best thing my Mom ever said to me was, “Life is not fair;” and, I don’t think it is ever even either. (Alliteration not intentional!)
I do know that we all have one heart. I know they can replace it, if you’re lucky enough, but you’re given just one. And in the scheme of two, two people make a couple, which involves one heart then two; the end-all pairing of two (some days I’d rather find my matching earring than find the partner) is not crucial, but it’s still a coveted one.
It’s important to be one. It’s good to be able to go out to dinner on your own, sit in front on the TV by yourself, sleep alone in your big bed at night, and go to NYC, where you know no one, and make new friends.
It would appear that in coupledom that 1 + 1 = 2; however, sometimes, 1 + 1 = 1, a lonely one. I do hope to make 1 + 1 = 2 some day; however, if not, I’ll always be content with my one heart. ♥
♥ ♥
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