Upon waking this morning, we were greeted by 6” of new snow. Given that there was no school today, Iz and I had the day to amuse ourselves. We could do lots of something and a bit of everything even if it was nothing.
After some shoveling and romping in the snow, we came in to warm up. Iz requested a warm blanket out of the dryer, but I had no such item in the dryer at the time. It was a nice thought though, and I hope, like me, Iz’s first boyfriend is an electric blanket..........until she’s 25!
Instead, our defroster of choice was hot chocolate. Iz requested her usual “not so hot” chocolate. And then she asked, “Can I have some marshmallows in it with extra marshmallows on the side?”
In about 5 minutes, she plunked her mug down on the counter and said, “I’m done!” I looked down in her mug; fifteen mini-marshmallows were gone and all that remained was the “not so hot” chocolate. And then she raced off upstairs; oh, great, I thought, Iz on marshmallows!
While cleaning up the kitchen, I heard two questionable sounds come from upstairs. Thunderbolt meowed loudly (his “Help me! Help me! Iz is taking no prisoners!” meow), and then I heard Iz running from room-to-room. There was no doubt in my mind that she was “In Search of” feline companionship, and when Thundie complained, she was then off “In Search of” Plume.
I yelled upstairs and asked, “Iz, what ARE you doing?”
She replied, “Nothing!!!!”
But, nothing is always something when it involves Iz.
I went upstairs to investigate, and I found Iz here.

I asked, “Why are you under there?” She answered, “Cuz I felt like it.” Given my vast C.S.I. and Law & Order experience, I sensed the perp was doing her best to remove herself from the crime scene (wedged under Nathan’s bed trying to pull Plume out) and give herself a credible (cough, cough) alibi.
I knew then that it was time to find an activity for the two of us. Just then I had a thought. Like taking down the Christmas tree, I had also avoided dusting my room for the last few months. The vintage box purse doesn’t lie!

So, I flipped my "Who are you? Who, who, who, who?" dial to actress, instead of Mom, and I said, “Hey, how fun would it be to dust and organize my bureau?” Amazingly, Iz shouted, “I want to help!”
Okay, so you'll be happy to know, the Great Cat Goddess really got me for that one. Iz began to rummage through my jewelry, pulled out my diamond heart pendant, and asked, “Can I have this when you don’t need it anymore?” She then found a pair of Halloween cat earrings, which I had gotten when I thought she might get her ears pierced, and said as if she was accusing me of grand larceny, “Mommy, these are mine!
After about 10 minutes, I realized that dusting might not be a completed task today, given the rate of questions and the answers I had to provide. When Iz found my basket of vintage watches and my vintage rhinestone pins, she exclaimed, “Oh, my gosh, Mom! You really have like everything in the whole wide world!”
I looked up from the pile of lingerie I was sorting, looked at her while she put on my vintage locket watch and then waved her arm around admiring its beauty, and I said, “You know, Iz. I really do have everything in the whole wide world,” and then I went over and kissed her. ♥
End blog soundtrack (my favorite version):
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