Today, I had a job interview in Boston. Yes, this was different from the contract job I mentioned yesterday. This job was through an agency located in Boston; however, the job was closer to home.
Some might say, “You had to go all the way into Boston?” and groan; however, [bright side of life], it was a sunny day, it was an opportunity for a full-time job, and I got to dress up!
Given that it was cold, and I had to take the T and walk a few blocks from the T station, I opted for my boring black suit (jacket and pants) instead of my vintage houndstooth suit. Since it was slushy and I’d be doing some walking, I thought it best to go with “sensible” shoes; however, I heard a voice in my head. OMGreatCatGoddess, it was Cathy’s voice, and she said, “No! Wear the houndstooth stilettos!” So, I did!
When I left the Park Street station, I walked a few blocks up Tremont Street to my final destination. I took a right turn on School Street. From the top of the street, I could see the doorman at the Omni Parker House hotel. It was apparent from eye contact that he saw me eyeing him, and then he watched me make my way down the sidewalk.
As I walked, I dodged the grates, fearing the heels of my houndstooth stilettos would be a mid-morning snack for one or more of them. And, in addition to the grates, I had to avoid the dripping water running off the buildings onto the sidewalk. Basically, I had to walk down the sidewalk like I was drunk!
As I passed the doorman, he said, “It’s kind of like a mine field out there!" I nodded. And, then I said, “Yes, especially in heels!” He laughed, and in a few yards, I arrived my final destination, Old City Hall.
When I saw the building, which was beautiful, I thought, “There’s an old City Hall?”

Just look at that beautiful mansard roof! I love architecture. It was the only class at Brandeis, taught by the wonderful Gerald Bernstein, in which I got a straight A. Unfortunately, I took the class pass/fail.
Anyway, it was ridiculous that I hadn’t thought about an old city hall, given that I always thought that the current city hall was quite unappealing and obviously something that hadn’t existed in ye olden days.
Once I arrived at the agency, I was greeted by the young woman who was going to interview me. She took me into a small conference room, and when I sat down, she said, “I love your shoes!” I thanked her, and then immediately blurted out that I had bought the shoes to match a vintage houndstooth skirt I bought on eBay.
This was the start of a 5-minute conversation about vintage, eBay, and the Manhattan Vintage Clothing show. I also pointed out the rhinestone pin on my lapel, my vintage watch, and my vintage bracelet. At the end, she said, “I love your style!”
All in all, the interview was an enjoyable hour recounting 25 years of employment. And whatever happens with it, well, que sera sera. Like Marcia, I think unemployment stinks, though I’ve tried very hard, every day (almost 365 next month), to find the good in this period of my life. Though, recently, I had one of those days where I, too, thought, “This stinks!!!!”
You want people to like you, to like your writing, and to hire you, Though, today, it wasn’t the prospect of a job that made my day. It was simply that this young woman loved my style. ♥
Happy Birthday, Jeff! ♥
Usually, I read your post on my little Blackberry (in bed), but tonight I had to comment about your previous post, which I could totally relate to because I was doing the same thing that day! Ha! Unemployment does stink! So does underemployment! But at least you found a way to brighten our days as we read along. A very nice blog! Love, Amerilia
Thank you, Goddess! You can get more fun out of a job interview than some of us do from a vacation! ♥
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