Blog soundtrack:
I heard this song on the radio today. Previously, I said that my life has a scenttrack and a soundtrack, meaning the scents of things and sounds of songs always remind me of people, places, and events in my life. For some reason, this song has always reminded me of my Dad’s house in Nantucket.
About a week ago, I met with my brother-in-law. We are putting my Dad’s house on the market in January. (See http://goddessofallthingslovely.blogspot.com/2009/08/take-long-way-home.html if you want to read more about my Dad’s house.) It’s funny, because as I said in that blog, I love the place; however, did you ever go into something feeling like it was a good thing to do, but having a few doubts, and then it all fell apart as you knew it would? Okay, I’m thinking about what I just typed and saying to myself, “Hmmmm.”
Despite that, do you want to know one really great feeling I had this last week?
It was knowing I was going to lose something I loved very much; however, for the first time in my life, I felt so very good about losing it. ♥
1 comment:
i would like to buy a house in nantucket
collect seashells and put em in a bucket
go lay in the sand
to get a sun tan
and when i burn i'll just say.......
darn, i stayed out in the sun too long!!
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