When I was driving around yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice the signs around me more than usual (60% off sales, space for rent, and stores closing). As you know from previous posts, I like signs. And, the fact that I read and interpreted the signs as how they related to my life made me feel again like Steve Martin in LA Story, a movie in which a billboard spoke to him.
Anyway, I went to take about six pairs of shoes to my favorite cobbler in Nashua, NH. I think shoe repair is a lost art, and this man is a heel replacement artist for sure. I think he makes my shoes sturdier than when they were first new. Maybe because Gary was made in the USA, unlike my shoes that were most likely made in China.
When I plunked my shoes down on the counter, I said to Gary’s wife, “Am I the only person who wears my heels down on one side like this?” She answered, “Believe it or not, you aren’t!” I’m glad I wasn’t the only person who did not wear down my shoes in a balanced matter, even though I felt like a freak because my second and third toes were longer than my big toe!
After I left Gary’s, I began to notice the signs on the trip home. First and foremost, did you know that the city of Nashua, New Hampshire has finally come around and realized that they should name a street after my dog, the non-stop barking, Montgomery?! By the way, he’s still up for grabs. Steve, you SO know you want him!

And, here is Monty’s acceptance speech for said honor.
Basically, in it, he says, “Thanks,” and then asks, “Anybody got a bone?” and “Does this mean I can urinate on all the hydrants on this street anytime I want to?”
“I need my space.”
Okay, a few years ago, this was a big break-up line; however, there’s lots of space available today unfortunately.
Snow? Winter? Nooooooooooooooooooooo. I’m sorry, but it’s still August in my calendar!
I saw this and I remembered Tunabreath mentioned it the other day.
She asked, “Did you know that McDonald’s will give you any size coffee for a $1?” She then swore off the $3.99 (or thereabouts) Starbuck’s coffee she would usually buy instead. And, I can now see why Starbucks closed 600 stores or perhaps more in the last year.
The woman who found Thunderbolt when he went missing in March (see http://goddessofallthingslovely.blogspot.com/2009/03/cat-found-equals-lost-cat.html for that story) was a realtor, who was losing her house due to the economy.
Given the recent $99K reduction on this property in town, I felt blessed that I had a home, even though I didn’t have a job.
When at the gas station, I saw a sign that said, “Have a nice drive.” When I was running at the gym the other day, I saw on CNN that most people will be driving this Thanksgiving not flying.
I saw this sign, and if I lived closer, I probably would have applied!
Though, perhaps like Bath & Body Works, they would have found me overqualified. At this point, I didn't need the money as much as I needed something to do; I needed something to make me feel like I had a place in the world and something that gave me the camaraderie I had missed so much the last 9 months.
I drove through Groton on my way home.
Even in the darkest of times, the Unitarians always make me feel good about life.
And, lastly, when I saw this sign, I decided that I wouldn’t be broken by all the previous signs that pointed out to me how bad things are these days.
So, when you feel like your life is out of your control, defy authority, albeit just for 2 minutes so you don’t get arrested, and loiter your freaking heart out!
And, when loitering isn’t good enough, “Work it, Baby!” as Nathan said right before he took this picture.
Today, I realized that you have to bend, stretch, spindle, fold, and Zumba to get through the bad times; and however you work it, work it so you'll never be broken by anyone or anything. ♥
1 comment:
If you're going to do the black leather jacket, and loiter --- you gotta wear BRIGHT red lipstick, or the look just isn't there.
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