Even though I’m totally not ready for it, financially or emotionally, I had to face the fact this last week that Santa Claus is indeed coming to town soon. Is it me or were the Christmas items out even earlier in the stores this year? Every year, it seems like we have to start thinking about Christmas a week earlier. If I’m on Crane Beach next August, and I see a plane fly overhead advertising “Stock up now for Xmas,” I will scream!
When I was in college, I only got to think about Christmas and holiday shopping the day after I finished my exams and was headed home for Winter break. Back then, I longed for time to savor the holiday and enjoy it; however, it seems I could only do that once I made sure my semester ended on a good academic note. And, this year, I had all the time in the world to enjoy it, yet somehow I was dreading it all.
I think part of it was due to the fact that I felt February was right around the corner. I’d be unemployed for a year then, something that I didn’t even want to think about. Thankfully, I was rattled out of my silent but everpresent “Just say no to ho-ho-ho!” mindset when Iz and I were at the mall last week.
She asked if we could see Santa. We had to get home, so I told her I would take her back on Monday. It’s funny because a year ago, she would not get anywhere near the Easter Bunny, Santa, or the Wicked Witch of the West; she refused to watch “The Lizard of Oz.” This was the milestone year though. She had her picture taken with the Easter Bunny this Spring; and only two short days ago, she said, “Mommy, I’m not afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West anymore!” And now she needed to visit Santa.
Earlier today, I had tried hard to find the only picture I have of me on Santa’s lap. Is getting your picture taken on Santa’s lap something that’s just become popular in the last 15 years or was it that my parents never had enough money to spend on such things when I was younger? At least, I was not naked on a bearskin rug anywhere in my family photo collection!
Anyway, I remember being at the Natick Mall with my Mom and my sister, Julie. This was the old Natick Mall; it was not the shopping Mecca then that it has become today. On a whim, my Mom said, “Why don’t you girls sit on Santa’s lap for a picture? We’ll give it to your Dad for Christmas.”
It was not such a big deal; however, we were 17 and 16 at the time. So, we sat on Santa’s lap, and I’ll never forget getting up and feeling Santa pinch my ass! Yes, really. I was so naïve at the time that I didn’t say anything. I just stood there thinking, “Did Santa just pinch my ass?”
When I got Iz off the bus today, she asked, “Are we going to see Santa?” I told her we were. Noah, my neighbor’s son, also got off the bus. He is in 5th grade, and he and Iz do a lot together; and when they do, they get along really well. Noah is the youngest in his family. His next to oldest sibling is Nate’s age (16 years old). Noah and Iz have a good brother-sister thing going on when they are together.
Iz asked, “Can Noah come with us?” I asked Noah if he wanted to join us, and in his very laid back manner, he answered, “Sure.” I called his Mom, and at 3:30, off we went. I wasn’t sure where Noah was on the whole Santa believing scale, so I texted his Mom to ask. She said he didn’t believe anymore, but he wouldn’t ruin it for Iz. I knew he wouldn’t; however, I realized as I was driving up to see Santa that I didn’t know what Noah believed or didn’t, so I had to ask.
And, I knew Noah wouldn’t say a word to Iz. Nathan believe a lot longer than Connor. Connor is Noah’s older brother and the same age as Nate. Connor knew the truth about Santa long before Nate did, and Connor never said a word to Nate nor did his older brothers, Zach and Chris.
On the way up to the mall, Iz and Noah talked about their expertise or lack thereof (Iz’s case) in cursive writing. They also discussed what they wanted for Xmas. Iz wants everything, and Noah only wants an iPod!
When we arrived at Santa’s village, the elf asked, “Are you here for pictures today?”
I answered, “Yes. What is the unemployment package?”
“Two 5x7s for $21.99.”
“Okay. We’ll do that.”
Iz climbed right up into Santa’s lap, and Santa said to Noah, “There’s room for you on this knee!” Noah got up on his knee. And they both began to chatter away at him. As I stood there, the elf took a few pictures, and then asked me which one I preferred. Then I heard Iz say, “And, can you get my Mom a job?” The elf then said, “I hear ya!” I take it that being an elf wasn’t her job of choice.
Iz said, “Mom, he wants to know what kind of job you want!” I said, “I’m a writer.” Then I heard Santa say, “ Writers are very important, because they create all the stories that we love to hear.” I had to pay for my photos then, so I didn’t get to hear the rest of what Santa had to say. But, in that moment, it was nice that Iz believed I would find happiness, and that Santa helped her believe that I would.
When we went by the “Picture People” store, we saw Santa yet again. I said, “Err, let’s go to the pet store.” But Iz saw him. I said quickly, “Oh, look! Santa took a break and is visiting the stores.” Later, Iz asked Noah, “Is there more than one Santa?” Noah, quickly responded, “That was his cousin, Fred!” I have always loved Noah, but in that moment, I loved Noah even more so for making Iz believe. Iz said, “Oh,” and that was the end of that.
As Christmas approaches, I believe for Iz. Santa exists, presents that are desired are delivered, and I believe that I’ll get a job soon. Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but thanks to Iz and Noah, it's that much easier. ♥

Note to She Knows Who She Is: Never ever doubt anything about you or your life. You rock, Girl. ♥
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