Obviously, and as evident from this blog, it doesn't take a lot to amuse me these days, which I suppose is a very good thing. Today, I was thinking about my brief loitering stint the other day; it was a lot of fun, err, even if no crime was really committed. In my younger days, I was never really wild or much of a rebel. So, today, for fun (again, it doesn’t take much for me), I decided to...
"Loiter Softly and Prowl Like a Big Kitty."
It would appear that loitering is usually a statute or an ordinance. Remember, I’m not a lawyer; I just play one on my blog when I’m not playing a loiterer in real life. Loitering is ”to stand idly, to stop numerous times, or to delay and procrastinate.” And, it would appear that I’ve been doing a lot of loitering around my own house lately. Thank goodness, there are Fashion Police but, as of yet, no Loitering Police at home!
In case you didn’t know, there’s also something similar to loitering called “prowling.” Yeah, I thought prowling was something only cats did, too. But, prowling is “the crime of lurking in an area with an intent to commit a crime.” So, I guess loitering is lurking without intent; therefore, it doesn’t seem much different from chillaxin’, perhaps for much too long, in a public place.
Wanting to expand my loitering horizons beyond the scope of my own home, I went off with my ever supportive photographer and critic, Nathan. He’s no Francesco Scavullo, but he works for cheap, a Subway turkey and cheese sub to exact. I said to him, “You get me.” He said, “I pretend to get you.” Good enough for me!
Loitering…with red lipstick this time, Georgie!

The funny thing is that this sign has been in this doorway forever; however, from 10-2pm every day, the same guy is always standing there with his Dunkin' Donuts cup. Apparently, the police in this town don’t take loitering very seriously and, as you can see, neither do I!
Loitering…by the mailboxes.

No mail was prevented from going into the boxes while I was standing there. I did get many strange looks though. Hey, don’t knock loitering by a mailbox until you’ve tried it. It’s a good way to meet people!
Loitering…in front of the courthouse.

Loitering right under their noses! I had to wait until the security officer went back inside before I could sit down. Am I a wild woman or what?!
Loitering…on a park bench.

As park benches go, this was quite comfortable, though I wouldn’t want to ever make it my primary residence.
Loitering…in the woods.

By the way, if a tree falls in a forest and someone is around to hear it, it makes a sound! And, don't listen to those naysayers; loitering in the woods can be a learning experience!
So, I thought prowling might be something I’d like to try, so I consulted an expert, Liam. Here we are trying to get into the prowling mindset. Funny, but it sure took him a lot longer to get in the prowling mood than me!

I thought about it for a while, and I decided that I best leave loitering and prowling to the experts.

Exhibit A: Feline loitering on a car in the parking lot whilst prowling the area from above for mice, birds, and women who are pretending to be loitering!
Speaking of my critic, upon examination of the outtakes from the loitering photo shoot, I found about five photos similar to this one.

I don't think he "gets" me or my art!
But, I know he loves me. Good enough for me! ♥
Tomorrow’s To Break Statute, Ordinance, or Law Note: Trespassing!

Note: No laws were broken during the making of this blog. Thus, answering the age-old question, "Can you have fun pretending to break laws?" Hell ya!
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