Contrary to the forecast on for today that was predicted yesterday…

Or this, which was today’s forecast…

When I looked out the window this morning, it was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky.
It was a cycling day; however, the thought of cycling alone seemed a bit odd to me. Going out on my own on the rail trail seemed like a huge step backward instead of the 25 miles forward that it would end up being at the end of the day.
I gathered my gear and walked by the kitchen table, where Iz sat in front of her Summer homework; homework activity had just come to a screeching halt (a “break”) because instead of writing the word “were” on a line in her notebook, she wrote “Dad” with an “X” through it. Ah, and there were 12 more years of homework to look forward to!
She asked me where I was going and I said, “I’m going biking.”
She said, “Again?! You go every day!”
I was beginning to get the feeling that if someone performed a cycling intervention, it would be Iz. It would be hard to explain to Iz that I needed to go out cycling every day, and it was now like a drug which had been prescribed for me. Err, something like this, k?

When I went outside, I saw Nathan perched atop my bike; he was supposed to be mowing the lawn, but I realized then that he was in total procrastination mode.

He said, “Wow, this is a nice bike.”
I said, “Shoooo, you!”
As he wriggled uncomfortably on the seat, he said, “Ooooo, I’ve got to get off; this hurts my leftie and my rightie.”
T.M.I., Nathan!
I got on my bike and headed to the rail trail. I was thinking it would be a good day to do 50, but I thought I’d see how 25 went and how much traffic was on the trail today. Bill told me on Friday that he leaves the rail trail alone on the weekends, because it’s too busy. I don’t mind it too much, because I’m fierce and don’t mind taking my life into my own hands when dealing with the people who just don’t “get” how to bike on the rail. Err, see
for my thoughts on the “railtrialites.”
When I got down to the rail trail, I stopped and glanced up toward the beginning of the trail; the trail starts, goes about 200 yards, and then is intersected by a road. I had never stopped and looked up like that before, but that stretch is usually where I meet Bill in the mornings; but alas, when I looked down and saw no one, Bill was just the Ghost of Cycling Past.
I started to head out, and within 10 minutes, I knew this was strictly a 25 mile day. Everyone was out; the trail was swarming with railtrailites. It was as if the National Weather Service had predicted that August 30th would be the last sunny and warm day in Massachusetts and that on August 31st we should expected 2 feet of snow!
What? Wasn’t I a railtrailite you ask? Excuse me? Of course not! I was a fierce and psycho cycling chick who just happens to bike on the rail trial. There’s a HUGE difference, and when I figure out exactly what that difference is, well, I’ll let you know, okay?!
As I was biking along, after being only 15 minutes into the ride and already having said, "On your left!" about 50 times, I definitely had a “This is the Day I Get into a Serious Accident and Have a Memorial Crash Site on the Trail Just Like Bill,” premonition because it was so crowded. And within 10 minutes, I had a head-on collision…………………………………with some kind of stinging insect!
It bit me right on my neck. Of course, it was a double dose of pain. Impact hurt. I was going about 18 m.p.h, and how fast does a bug fly, 20 m.p.h or so? I’m sure there are human-to-insect impact crash statistics out there somewhere. Will someone google that and get back to me? Oh, come on; I’m the one doing all the writing here; you people could at least do a little research for me! And as I sit here writing, the sting still hurts, but I’ll get over it, because I’m fierce, in case you didn’t get that memo already. I’ve had two c-sections and one broken toe, and this sting hurts far more. Okay, I just reread that; maybe I'm not that fierce!
Even though I was missing the cycling companionship, when I’m cycling on my own, I do notice a lot more. Well, usually when I cycle up the trial with Bill, he’s talking and simultaneously writing my blog for me!
I saw a Mom ride by me with three of her kids following in a perfect line behind her; she reminded me of the Canadian Goose I saw with her three young goslings crossing the rail trail into the other side of a pond a few months ago.
I passed a Dad, Mom, and two kids. The Dad was wearing all the “right stuff” as far as cycling goes. And, as I biked past, he glanced at me and had a longing look on his face, like he wished he was cranking down the trail with me, but instead, he was all dressed up with only one place to go – up the trail at 10 m.p.h with his family. A very good Dad!!!
I saw yet another older woman biking the trail with one of those tricycle bikes. I asked Bill the other day what he thought about this phenomenon. He said that he had no idea. I asked, “Do women just give up the will to balance after 50?” He laughed, and I swear I’d rather not bike at all that bike on a big tricycle. I’m sure they have their purpose, and it’s better to be out there exercising than not at all, but for me I will never ride a tricycle, no chance, Lance!
When I reached home, it was good to have gotten out on such a lovely day, but I did miss the company of the Fabulous and Fifty-Plus Cycling Dudes, Ltd. Riding solo was okay when you had to, but it was always good to be in the company of friends, especially friends who appreciated you just as much as you appreciated them. It's always good to have friends who keep you movin’ in a good direction – up and out of the house for lack of anywhere else to go every day.
Anyway, I’m going to…
Keep on cyclin’…

Keep on writin’…

And, because I love my way, keep right on dancin’.
And, you should too. <3
Note to Greg Lemond if You are Reading My Blog: Can you make a Lemond Strawberry Shortcake for big girls? And, it needs to have a “triple,” tires that never go flat, and a GPS that is automatically programmed to find any Sephora in the world!

i googled it, you are the only one that comes up with the insect crash impact stuff. you need to get a grant and do a study on it. i think you could do your cycling and the insect study job together. you would have it made!!
LOL! Thanks, Tommie.
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