Monday, August 17, 2009

Funky Town

Blog soundtrack sandwich (this is the piece o’ bread with the tuna fish on it):

As I said in a previous post, once every 9 or so days, I get into a funk; though, unlike previous funkin’ times, today's only lasted for a few hours this morning. Most people have the “Jeez, it’s Monday, and I have to go to work today” funk. I think I had the anti-Monday funk, which is “I want to go to work, but I have no place to go to work” funk. I was also thinking that this was the first Monday that all my writing colleagues from “work” were not going to work either.

To prevent a major funkin', in which I could have very easily sat in front of the TV with Nathan for 3 hours watching back-to-back episodes of “C.S.I.,” I got myself out of the house to tend to a few errands.

Out of Iz’s 26 forms for cheerleading, one had to be signed by her pediatrician. So, at around 11am, I left the house and headed to the doctor’s to drop that form off. I then went to the dry cleaner to drop off my bedroom curtains; they were normally cream in color but had a few gray spots. While there, I had to sign a “Drapery Curtain Waiver” form; that was certainly a first in my life! Lastly, I traveled to the vet’s to pick up Rover’s diabetic cat food and her thyroid medication.

It’s funny, because they have computers at the vet’s office, but it would seem that the simple task of getting food and medication takes 20-30 minutes each time I’m there. They have to look up her chart, and then the vet tech always double checks her med with me. Today, she asked like she always does, “5mg of methimazole?” Now, I love my cat, Rover, but I don’t remember her exact dosage; hell, I’m lucky if I can pronounce “methimazole” when I go in there. I must have said, “I guess so” and shrugged my shoulders. And the vet tech said, “I just like to check.”

Bad cat mother! But, in my defense, shouldn’t she be checking that with the vet about the dosage and not me?!?! :-) After that, she must check the inventory of cat food, print out Rx stickers for food and the med, and by the time all that was done, I’d made three new dog friends and two new cat friends in the waiting area. Actually, if you know me, that’s not a bad thing, because I love the creatures that walk on all fours BUT don’t bark a lot. Come on, Brenda and Steve; Monty is a sea dawg if I’ve ever seen one and a very good burglar alarm. Don't you want him?!?!?!!?

After all the errands, I arrived home. Nathan was still watching the “C.S.I.” marathon while preparing for Dungeons and Dragons tonight. See, how lucky I am with my 16-year-old boy? At 9pm tonight, my son will be playing D&D with five other guys at his Dad’s house and not spray painting over a sign “Dead End” to read “Dead Kittens” like some idiots did in our neighborhood two weekends ago.

I was tempted to sit with him and just watch 15 minutes, but instead, I headed upstairs, changed into my cycling unitard, got my cell phone, my iPod, my camera, my helmet, my gloves, and my water bottles, and I headed off to the rail trail.

Unlike other times, I had my camera with me. It was my goal to take you all on a ride with me.
By the way, cycling and taking movies, well, it’s definitely a stunt for jackass!

I took about 45 movies while out on the rail trail, and I almost killed myself about 5 times.
Have you ever tried cycling and shooting your video camera at the same time?
Yeah, well, it’s challenging.

At the 12.5 mile mark, where I have to turn around, I emailed my friend. I usually send email to this friend at that point to say that I’m not hungry nor do I have to pee. It’s kind of a joke at this point. When I emailed that I was biking and making a movie, the response I got back was, “Err you been taking drugs???”

Anyway, I just downloaded some new movie software, which I have no idea how to use, so the movie version of the rail trail ride will have to wait ‘til tomorrow; however, here’s a sneak preview. Don’t laugh too hard, though some of you reading this probably do need to laugh hard tomorrow.




And to bring me totally out of Funky Town tonight, I bought a bottle of wine to go with dinner, which was Chinese takeout from Wok n’ Roll. Okay, it wasn’t the wine that brought me out of the funk; it was the guy who works there most nights. His name is Bill, and every year, he rides the Pan Mass challenge. You people think I rock doing 25 or 50 miles, well, he’s riding 50+ miles every day, and he’s in his late 50s. Anyway, when I was out on the rail trail today, I waved at him as I passed him.

When I saw him tonight, he said, “Hey, I saw you today on the rail trail, didn’t I?”
I said, “Yes, you did!”
He said, “After I said ‘Hi’ to you, one of the guys I was riding with said, ‘Hey, I know that girl!”
Oh, cool, I’m a girl!
Okay, these guys are all in their 60s, so perhaps to them I am a girl!

At that point, I wondered how this guy knew me. I really didn’t know any guys on the rail trail, well, other than my brief 30-minute kickin’ encounter with Mr. Bounce Tropical Breeze a week or so ago. Speaking of which, should I have sent Mr. Bounce Tropical Breeze a love letter for the 30 minutes of kickin' cycling that afternoon?! :-)

I said to Bill, “Gee, I don’t think I know him.”
And Bill said that Paul said, “I tried to keep up with her once. She really moves!”
Wow, right then and there, I was a rock star!
And, the Funky Town I was living in became a castle along the Tour de France route.

Today, I learned something about funkin’; to get out of it, you just need to leave where you are and move! Walk, bike, dance to your iPod in the kitchen, clean out the car, dust the bureaus, wash the windows, alphabetize your spices or your CDs; do anything to move your body, and you will definitely feel better, like I did today when I almost killed myself several times over. :-) I laughed a lot myself. It doesn't make up for the huge loss, but the laughter always makes me feel better; this I do know. Keep moving and laughing, guys. <3

Blog soundtrack sandwich (this is the piece o’ the bread on which you place the Fritos, and then you smush both pieces together…do try this at home!):

1 comment:

The Goddess of All Things Lovely said...

Since I was asked, no, I didn't speed up the video of my legs! :-)