Okay, I’m still trying to figure out if I like this peach coffee, though I love all their other coffee.

After coffee, I headed to the Registry. Apparently, you cannot renew online every time, only every other time. Ah, our government at work!

But, the good news is, well, sort of, that I’m street legal now. :-)
Nathan got this Spaghetti, um, thingie pendant, which he was totally thrilled about.

I thought I should go through 80 years of photos and sort them out, but I don’t think I can yet. Here’s my Dad; he's so Adam (my nephew), or Adam is so him! Both beautiful boys. <3 src="http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z53/Jean_Sizzlechick/5_5_piccies.jpg">
I am trying to reinvent myself.

I did laundry.

I thought about getting my toes done.

I ran because after biking 2 miles on the rail trail, my rear tire flatted. Um, I don’t carry a spare tube or a pump. (Shhhh! Don’t tell George!) I bike; therefore, I don’t fix my own bike. :-) So, I ran three miles instead using my new “berry” pink sneaks.

Getting some of your favorite vintage pieces back, priceless! The “rhinestone replacement guy” sent them today. Yes, he really does exist!

I took Nathan to soccer practice.

I went shopping, and I bought Rover over the top treats. Hell, she’s 20 years old now; she SO deserves it!

I took Monty for a walk.

I got Iz in the tubbie.

I nuzzled Liam.

Good night, everyone.
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