That's Frickin' Awesome Writing Goddess! I thought about just being a Frickin Awesome Goddess, but that didn't translate well into a bumper sticker for obvious reasons.
Anyway, I have the piece of paper, which I got in the mail today...

and the logo to prove it!

I know I've mentioned this achievement before; however, as I've also mentioned here before, good things are worth repeating, err, even if they are about yourself! Well, since I didn't get my 15 minutes of fame via my Tour de Lowell win way back when, I shall bask in this glory a bit longer. (Tom, didn't you SO like how I referred back to an old blog there?!)
But seriously (yes, really!), I am trying to be my number one fan after not being so for so long; oh, and I googled for my "team" cheer in the spirit (pun intended) of my daughter joining the Pop Warner cheerleading squad.
Wildcats are ready
Wildcats are smooth
Wildcats will take control
And stomp all over you!
Actually, I think my team might be a tad less aggressive and just "pussyfoot" all over you; however, "stomp" works for me, too, especially when Coach Hormone leads the cheer once a month. TMI, I know, but hello? This me, and you SO know you wouldn't have me any other way!
The blog soundtrack is "The Underdog" by Spoon. I was driving home last night from my sailing expedition, and I heard this song, which I've always liked. Someone said that it was "The best anthem for the overlooked and underestimated."
And, yes, this is probably one of my shorter blogs; thus, when the words stop, the music doesn't! How cool is that? Okay, it really isn't, but it's all I've got this Saturday night after cleaning the house, doing four loads of laundry, having my daughter ask me 247 questions for which I had no answers, cleaning the cat boxes, and getting a pedicure. (Yes, that last chore was the toughest!) Note: I could have easily squeaked in a picture of my toes there, but I restrained myself. :-)
Lastly, here's Monty sleeping in an herb bed and crushing my thyme and peppermint while doing so!
Bad doggie!

Yeah, yeah, he's so cute.
Do you want him?!?!!? :-)
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