Come on, people, I can’t write you a novel every day! :-)
If you really want some insight on this day, well, just check out what happened on this day in history.
Let the NY Times amuse you today instead of me; I need a day off!
Well, I can entertain you, but you'll have to give me your credit card number and then agree to pay .99 cents per reading minute. :-)
Wednesday’s Post-it Note to You All: Thank you so much for reading my blog and for all your wonderful comments (here on the blog and in email). The last year has been a bit of a dark time in my life. I can’t tell you how much all your support (job leads, blog comments, and general friendship kinda stuff) has meant to me. I love you all.
So, I cleaned the downstairs today.
AND, don’t get me wrong. I love Montgomery.
Do you want to know why I wanted a Corgi to begin with?
Um, it was because of, one of my favorite movies, “The Accidental Tourist”.
Yeah, in that movie, there is a corgi called Edward.
Note: Monty hates the basement, too. Actually, fact, it's hard for Corgis to go up and downstairs because of their short stubby legs.
By the way, there’s an even funnier scene in this movie when William Hurt is driving Edward somewhere in the car.
Rent it, and see!
Oh, Edward is not a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
(See, “fox-like head”!)
He’s a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
Cardigans are usually bigger, and they don’t dock their tails.
Yeah, tail docking is horrible, and if I ever get another dog again, well, it’ll be a dog with a tail.
Actually, I have concluded that I’m not really a dog person.
I am a cat person.
Tangent Dog Acquiring Story: I bought Monty two weeks before my Dad died. I think that says it all.
Anyway, here’s one reason why you don’t want a Corgi. :-)

After vacuuming up all that Corgi fur, I glanced up and saw this.

Liam, true to Maine Cat Coon form, is always around but never too near.
When I looked up at him I said, “Jeez, if only you could vacuum!”
It doesn’t really matter though, cuz even if he can’t help, most importantly, I know he’s always there for me. :-)
When I was downtown, I saw this sign in a window.
I liked the brutal honesty of it.
Not “Closed”, but “Close early in pain”.
And then that the person even apologized for being in pain.
This was posted on the door of the local bead store.

HUGE growing up news: We have a first loose tooth here.
She has not stop wiggling it.
Jeez, better brush off my tooth fairy wings; it’s a long road ahead. :-)


This was a first today.

I don’t know about you, but there are MANY things I could do myself given the economic crunch, But next to the smell of hot wet cat food, the smell of wet dog is a close second in the making me want to toss my cookies department. AND, I’d pay any amount of money not to smell that. :-)
Good night…what’s better than “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and Thunderbolt? (Thundie SO digs Johnny Depp. Can't you tell?!)

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