Listen ‘n read!
One of my friends asked me why no one comments on my blog.
I told him that most of my friends comment to me in email, due to the fact that they are all in the witness protection program. :-)
Anyway, I’ve kept a list of all these comments, and I am going to post them here.
I am hoping no one minds; they’re all pretty anonymous.
They are all very lovely, AND, I want to thank you all for each and every one of them.
In a way, this blog has really kept me going during these, um, challenging times.
And it’s given me a level of self-confidence, well, which I previously only experienced while in the Terry cycling seat. :-)
Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated Note: I know two people who check my blog to see if I’m still alive! So, when I get in a funk, I go quiet, which is rather ironic given that I’m always babbling. There was a VERY good reason why my Mom got me a “Chatty Cathy” doll when I was 3!
I guess two of the nicest compliments, both of which were the same, were passed on to me by word of mouth. This was that my “talents” (whoa!) were wasted on the release notes at work. That was truly wonderful to hear.
And, not that I didn’t love working on the release notes and especially LOVE working with all of you (and you all know who you are). Losing all of you 5 days a week was much worse than losing the job. But yes, writing about my cycling, my cats, my kids, or how I dress my dog up is WAY more fun than trying to explain to a customer why all calls failed. Though, the release notes did come with a nice paycheck; the blog doesn’t!
And, Miss Jeannie Long Legs, puuuuhhhllleeeeeese.
It’s Miss Jeannie Shulz Legs! :-)
All Comments Lovely
And I love your blog post!
OMG.. You are sooooooo funny… I love it!! I love you!!!!! Can I share it with the other girls!!!!!! ?????
Good stuff. PS…I did have one issue with your blog…too much about cats!!!
What a wonderful blog post about Iz's birthday! I had to read it a few times just to enjoy it again. You've really found your voice, with all the love and amusement and insight and two-fisted participation that's in you. Thank you!!!!!
Loving your blog entries! You writing maniac you!
I do like the blog :-)
...And to think that you wrote that great piece after such a long crazy day! That's amazing, like a perpetual motion machine whose motion powers itself.
I'm so glad you are writing the blog. I love to see the distilled real you so clearly.
nice blog!!
I visited your blog. You really are a good writer. You tell real life stories with humor and these days humor is what we all need. You should write a book about or at least apply for an editorial in the Boston Globe. You could write about whatever goes through that head of yours :).
And videos, too!! Keep it up girl…I love it!
I read your Scooter blog this morning! You are a born story teller -- it flowed very nicely, I kept waiting for what happened next (the videos took a while to load) and I love the whole little-snippets-of-real-life tone. You are as delightful on video as in person (maybe you ought to try some community theater) And I liked the meta-theme of you having the time to savor such simple things for the first time in half your life!
OMG. THANK you for making me laugh!!!! You are awesome! I hadn’t read Sunday’s “10 things” post, either. Totally hilarious!!! You are a special person, Miss Jeannie long-legs!
Beautiful blogging, Goddess! Dear MomCat, Driving Miss Crazy was funny and delightful and warm. You drew Nathan and Connor and Ellen, and your relationships, perfectly in a few well-chosen words, and you had a lovely beginning and end. The richness of your life was there all along, but you didn't have the time to savor it so well as now.
I loved your last Nathan Drives blog! It has such a you-are-there feeling to it. Again I read it several times just for enjoyment. You have a very rich and loving relationship with N, and you portray it so touchingly.
I really enjoy your blog.
I did check your blog..and I still think you should write a newspaper column about your everyday experiences
That was a really lovely post about honoring the tiger cat with the same respect that you'd want someone to give Thundie, and working out some of your feelings through the ritual.
Brilliant !!! Love the blog :-)
Nice blog!!
I love your blog!
I was just reading your blog to make sure you were still alive. I would have sent mail in about another 10 minutes.
Love the blog!! You do know that your dog is plotting revenge - although the pictures are really cute!!
LOL! Thank you so much for that!!! I’ll never mix up any of them again. A good laugh is a great way to start the morning!
Hey, you need to update your blog...I need my "Jean fix" :- )
OMG. You are too funny. And yes, I’ll still talk to you. Wacko. ;-)
I read the blog and proceeded to...cry. I'm humbled. Thank you for everything you said. You're a good friend too.
From someone’s Mom who read one of my blog postings: You know, if you have only one friend in this world and it's someone like Jean you can consider yourself truly blessed.
I loved your blogs on your mom and Suze.
OMG... these tear jerker blogs! I can’t take it anymore…
Thank you for including me in your Birthday Blog. Pure good feelings and fun and love for your friends. 8^)
So I hadn’t read your blog in a while, and I wanted to say, You’re Welcome! You are so sweet! Love you too!
I also loved the Mother’s day entry.. You’re Mom was certainly a sweetheart, just like you.
nice blog...I was expecting you to write something nice about your father so I checked back frequently : - )
You have helped me notice more things around me and appreciate the little things more then sometimes just rushing through life with your sure you want to go back to work? :-)
You bring out the best in everyone you touch....We're all better for knowing you...
May I say, Once again,That I loved your latest post! Not only to go on a bike ride with you, but to enjoy it through your eyes, with all your senses and thoughts and feelings and memories. Thank you for a most enjoyable outing!
You may not write much but when you write, man, do you write : - )
Rumors of Me Going to the Beach After Running at “Work” are NOT Exaggerated: Please note that those are vintage Cool-Ray Polaroid sunglasses. And that vintage dress I’m wearing in the picture will be the subject of a blog this week called “Death of a Vintage Dress”. :-)

And also, if it makes you employed cube dwellers any happier, it was pretty much like this the whole time I was at the beach!

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