So, do you follow me? If you do, then you do know that makes you just as mad as me by association. :-)
But seriously (oh, no, of course not!), my story about my trip to Nantucket in March is turning out to be a bit like “Moby Dick” (“And isn't it ironic... don't you think”; refer to “Ironic” by Alanis Morrisette) or a TV movie-of-the-week. Yes, I know I am building up this story like it’s a posthumous James Michener kind of thing (Nantucket); however, it was an epic, well, for me. :-)
Note: If I should somehow expire the moment I finish Nantucket, I would like Meg Ryan to play me in the movie, but the way she was before she had the bad plastic surgery.
Stories to Look Forward to in My Blog This Week: Well, other than those I have already alluded to, I hope to get an exclusive interview with the owner of the Pooch Barkery. Haven’t you been dying to know what goes on behind the scenes in a canine bakery? Okay, I haven’t either, but it sounds like fun, and you know you’re going to love it. So there!
Okay, on with today’s tomorrow blog then…
Blog soundtrack:
Remember how I said that my impulsiveness is one of my weaknesses not a strength?
Well, tomorrow, I deem it the impetus for a fun road trip with my son.
Given the economy, I had no great vacation planned for us this Summer; I thought that the time would largely be occupied with day trips to the beach, to Boston, and so on.
This weekend, largely due to a seed planted in my head by one of my friends, I asked my son on Sunday, “Nathan, want to go to Yale on Wednesday to look around?”
Nathan, who is entering his junior year of high school, said, “Mom, I don’t think I could ever get in there.”
I said, “Err, yes, perhaps, Nate, but I really just want to go there to see a BIG lipstick sculpture.”
--silence followed by the “Are you crazy?” look—
Nathan is under no illusion that I’m mad; he knows I’m crazy.
He then said, “No, Mom, really. Why do you want to go there?”
I said, “Seriously! To see the BIG lipstick!”
He hesitated, rolled his eyes, and then said, “Okay.”
If you’re going to be craz, I mean, mad, then it’s always good to have a partner in the mad crime and preferably one who acts much more like an adult than you do. :-)
Synchronize Swatches Note: Departure, 7:30AM; Destination: Yale University (New Haven, CT).
More on the pilgrimage to see the BIG lipstick, which is orange by the way, when I really think it should be pink, on Thursday.

Meanwhile, again, just trying to be educational, here’s more about this sculpture.
So, tomorrow, rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooadtrip! (Anne, remember when we saw “Animal House” together?)
P.S. In the spirit of life imitating art, I have packed up my camera, purse, notebook, granola bars, and other whatnots, in my Italian straw basket (, and I am wearing my tattered vintage dress ( for what will be its last public appearance. And, since I cannot find a pair of shoes that would really go well with this frock (usually, I wear it around the house and my feet are bare), I have decided to wear it with my pink Nike running sneakers. Nothing says “eclectic” like a 40s day dress and running sneakers, yeah?
P.P.S. By the way, I received a few suggestion about what to do with that vintage 40s day dress. One was put it in a box and save it, and the other was make pillows out of it. Seriously, this dress is a wreck, and it is time for it to go out to pasture; and believe me, it’s not like I don’t have many other vintage dress to wear. How many others? Um, that’s between me and my closet. [wink]
See you on Thursday!
Don’t miss me too much. :-)
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