Note to All of You Who Think I Humiliate Monty: No Corgis were humiliated in the making of this blog. Okay, okay, so he was previously; see my prior “Things to Do With Your Dog When You’re Unemployed” blogs. But, this time, it's different, yeah, it is! :-)
K, when I woke up this morning, I made my way downstairs.
Iz came out of the family room and then delivered the “State of the House” update.
“Liam frew up!”
Upon further investigation, it appeared that Liam was wrongly accused...for once.
(Liam is notorious for coughed up hairballs, being a very fuzzy guy who does NOT like to be brushed, and for eating too fast and too much and then puking 10 seconds after said meal.)
Anyway, Monty had thrown up once by his doggie bed and then had the runs twice on the carpet by the porch door.
Instead of any mean glances Monty’s way or uttering any “Bad doggies”, I promptly administered Pepto-Bismol, hidden in a wad of Kraft American cheese, and then I nicely asked Monty to go out on the porch while I cleaned up the mess.
Hey, the little throw rug by the porch slider needed to be washed anyway!
And, I felt a tad guilty, cuz last night I had given Monty some raw hamburger, and I wondered if I may have been the cause of his digestive dilemnas.
After cleaning up the puke, I shook the rug off outside, and then threw it in the washer.
At that moment, I decided that this would be the “Day of Monty”.
And, here’s what you can do with your dog when you’re unemployed, and it’s the “Day of Monty”!
Let him have the remote.

Give him a pawdicure.

Let him have all day access to the bone bin.

Stop being selfish and share those double-stuff Oreos with him!

Give him all your money.

Tell him he’s WAY WAY cuter than George Clooney.

Let him drive AND wear Iz’s pink rhinestone sunglasses.

Let him eat grass, EVEN though you know, it might lead to further puking.

Take him for a walk before he even asks.

After the walk, ask him if he wants to play soccer, which you know he always does.

Let him get in touch with his feline side.
Here he is discussing current events with Rover.

Let him wear your favorite hat.
This is SO not humiliation.
I am letting him make a fashion statement here, okay? :-)

Posting another “Things to Do With Your Dog When You’re Unemployed!” blog: Tons of fun!
Dealing with Those Who Think You Humiliate Your Dog: “La, la, la, I can’t hear you!”
Dumping Monty’s Poop from Your Walk in Your Neighbor’s Yard (see “Job Opportunites for Moi!” Blog in April): Priceless!!!

Jean, do yourself and your dog a favor.get a job!! : - )
Just kidding of course, I think you're busier now then when you got a paycheck...
I need to schedule naps after just reading what you do : - )
Thank you, Tomas! :-)
Hey..Monty needs his own sitcom K?
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