2. Left work at 2pm (when I really should have stayed there until 2am) to pick up Iz at the Manchester, NH airport.

3. Brought Iz to Toys R’ Us to get her the promised Zhu Zhu pet (read “Yes, another fad!”), which was something to encourage her (oh, okay, read “bribe”) to fly back from Philly all by herself.

4. Took Iz to McDonald’s.
5. Went grocery shopping.
6. Drove home.
7. Fed pets.
8. Put away groceries.
9. Made Iz’s lunch for camp.
10. Cleaned litter boxes.
11. Threw in a load of laundry.
12. Climbed two flights of stairs with a huge TBF (To Be Folded) basket of laundry.

(And, yes, I didn't make the bed today. You don't have to make the bed when you're by yourself; I'm sure there's a memo about that somewhere on the Internet! And, didn't you all get it?!)
13. Changed the sheets on Iz’s bed due to coughed-up hairball by a resident hairball (read “Liam”).

I know it's gross; however, the sight of a furball is no more repulsive to me than the sight of lima beans. Let's remember: One's man furball is another man's lima bean!
14. Changed the sheets on Nathan’s bed once I got the text message “I r in America!” and then he informed that he was headed to my house (read “avoiding Quinn and the evitable report card discussion”).
15. After 15-minutes of needless bargaining (me) and complaining (Iz), I coaxed Iz into a bubble bath.

It always amazes me that the 15-minutes of bargaining/complaining leads to 30-minutes of fun in the tub with me having to drag her out of it!
16. Took Monty out to hurry up (read "pee").
17. Began to hear voices.
18. I thought it was my neighbors or perhaps the "little people" that live under my porch, who are devoted followers of Princess Janina.
But, noooooooo, it was just Brenda and Tom both saying today, "Welcome back to Motherhood!"
19. Time to write a blog.
19. Time for a glass of wine! ♥

Life of a temporary bachelor...
1) Went to doctor for physical, had that "special date" and doctor sent flowers to the house....: - O
2) went to work, and dealt with an "edge condition"....
3) went to dinner with friend who will redo my kitchen this winter...
4) enjoying Guiness at home watching the Red Sox get their a** kicked....
5) sleeping well and getting up at 8am or later!!! : - )
You've done the work of six women (or eight men) in one day! You are AWESOME in your awesomeness!! ♥
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