Way back when I started my blog, I installed some software called Sitemeter, a “counter and statistics tracker,” which let me display a counter at the bottom of my blog. (Scroll down now and look. Go ahead. I’ll wait for you while you do so. Go. Shooo!) Anyway, along with the counter, the software could give you all sorts of statistic about each individual who visited your site by details, by referrals, by Search Words, by world map, by location, by out clicks, by entry pages, and by exit pages.
So, you ask, “What does all this mean?” To tell you the truth, I guess it would mean more to me if I had a site on which I had a business attached to it; however, having a site that only documented my flurry of ideas, it really didn’t mean a whole hell of a lot to me. But, honestly, just the idea of seeing the location of visitors and especially how they ended up on my blog totally intrigued me in that Law & Order and CSI kind of way.
Some nights, when I’m sitting in front on my laptop, Nathan comes by to give me a hug and a smooch on the cheek. Actually, most nights he does this and then he glances at my laptop screen. When he sees that I’m looking at my counter and statistics tracker software, he says, “Mom, are you stalking your blog readers again?!”
Of course, I always answer, “No!!!!” Then I quickly click on the X in the right-hand corner of my browser window. I get defensive, and I say to Nathan, “Well, even if I was, stores and restaurants have guest books. It’s sort of the same thing.” I like to write in guest books; as I write in them, I also like to read who has been there before me and where they are from.
I don’t think this makes me a stalker. I think it make me “inquisitive,” “curious,” and guilty of watching and enjoying many crime-solving shows. Okay, I was a mystery junkie and seeing where everyone came from and how they got there solved a blog mystery of sorts for me. Guilty!
I know you’re dying to know what I uncovered. And, if you, like Nathan, think I’m a stalker, read no further. But with magazines like the National Enquirer and the Globe still going strong, I think most of the general population is as curious as I am about everything!
The thing that intrigues me most is the images and keywords that lead people to my site. I’ve been keeping track of them. Well, like any good writer, I thought it would make a good story today. (You be the judge of that after you read this.)
In general, you can enter any of the following at end up at my blog. Don’t laugh too hard. But, I did.
goddess stuff
all things lovely
things that goddesses did
comic books
wow magic cards cases
things that cost $2.99
lindt's truffles lahaina maui
jane frizzell
lovely things to say to your boyfriend that he won’t think of
As you can see, Nathan is well represented with the magic cards. Things that cost $$2.99?! I hope that person wasn’t Christmas shopping. In regard to the last one, I almost felt like Elizabeth Barrett Browning when I saw that.
Anyway, after stalk, err…reviewing all the statistics, it would appear that most people come to my blog when they’re interested in lipstick, thumb sucking, vacuuming, and ripped dresses. I should clarify that. I know most of come here because you think I’m witty and charming; however, it would appear most who happen by via search engine only care about the topics mentioned above.
Since I took the time to examine, not stalk, the statistics, I wanted to share the results of the tracking. After having this blog for over a year now, it’s interesting (to me, at least) to see what photos and blogs are viewed the most. Ironically, the two most popular blogs talk about things that somewhat epitomize me. But, like any good mystery, you’re going to have to wait to the end to find out what they are!
"Motherhood sainthood" was googled three times. Apparently, it’s a hot topic. As I suspected, mothers really need another holiday in addition to Mother’s Day!
I’m not the only one feeling out of my element lately. I should probably start a Michael Keaton fan club, too. Because “mr. mom and unemployment,” and “mr. mom movie” lead you to me.
I had mentioned that Bill was a PMC rider in my blog yesterday; however, it’s not the first time I mentioned it. Someone was looking for "pmc anniversary jacket." They found a blog about my cycling adventures on the rail trail.
As most of you know, I have a very interesting maiden name. Most people don’t know how to spell it or pronounce it; I remember having more problems getting the “J” in “Jean” to go left instead of right. But some still wonder “how do I pronounce szymczak.”
When you go along it life, it’s nice to know that others feel your pain. When you’re a cat owner, you can have a whole world of hurt just due to litter boxes. If you search for “I had a flood in my basement with litter boxes,” you totally feel my pain.
Sometimes you have to be the one to tell your friend honestly that something she hoped to attain may be beyond her grasp. Someone might have beaten you to the punch. So, Suze, if you ever hoped to have the domain “http://www.suzebabe.com/,” I think this person beat you to it after ending up at my Suzebabe blog.
Maybe someday Iz and I can sell our “art” for tons of dough or maybe we should just keep making cookie dough. Or perhaps, I should consider a career change to teacher. Searching for “scott prior nanny and rose” or “2010 school vacations,” leads you to me.
My favorite dessert is cake. It’s not a chocolate torte or German chocolate. It’s run-of-the-mill grocery store cake with “sicky sweet” (my Mom’s expression) frosting on it. If you seek to find “cake frosting,” I hope you always fought with your siblings over the roses, too.
I read Cosmopolitan magazine religiously until I was 24 or so. When I picked up a copy last year, I was really appalled by it. Today, I’m appalled by how many people googled its articles, like "hung" "a real guy's story. yup, it's that big," but I’m glad they read this.
I really love shopping at the grocery store. I always loved going with my Mom. Sometimes she went after we all went to bed to a big discount supermarket with a neighbor.
I remember hating going to bed without my Mom being there. And, if you search for “weight watchers chocolate cake" or “meatcutters,” you won’t know that my Mom always brought home a treat from her late-night shopping and left it in my bedroom. But, you will find out that I profile shoppers.
I used to have to get up very early some mornings to drive Nathan to school. I’d always bring Nathan to Dunkin’ Donuts for his ham and cheese croissant with no egg; however, I always brought my own coffee, because I thought it was so much better. I struggled finding the perfect travel mug for those mornings, and I realized that when people look for “short travel mug,” “dunkin donuts caramel coffee,” “dunkin donuts travel mug,” “how many travel mug are purchased in a year,” and especially “microwavable travel mugs,” I am so not alone!
Nothing means more to me than my Dad’s house in Nantucket; however, I’ve had to think a lot less of it recently. I will always love the island. And, when you look for “dr. healy, Nantucket,” “nantucket cemetery,” “tabitha krauthoff,” “photo of tibs turner krauthoff of nantucket, ma,” “naming on headstones,” and “bed headstone,” you will always find my love of names.
Both my children are/were finger suckers. Nathan sucked his middle and ring finger; Iz sucks her thumb. I never knew it was such a hot topic in one post I wrote, which was found by looking for “potty hole beach,” “teen sucking thumb,” “mommy I have to go potty,” “girl gotta go potty,” “thumb sucking blanket,” “little girl gotta go potty,” “sucking of thumb,” “still sucks thumb,” “things you don’t want to see on the beach,” "suck her thumb", “sucking thumb,” “suck thumb teen,” “started sucking thumb again,” and amazingly “water collection.”
As pictures go, this is the most popular. Go figure. I’m not provocatively posed; I just have a rip in my dress!

Many people have come to my vintage dress blog based on this picture. They’ve also arrived because they’ve searched for "I hate coach bags", “vacuuming in heels,” “beautiful vacuuming,” “vacuuming girl,” “dress ripped,” “ripped dress,” “aunt glasses,” “tree ripped dress,” “where can I buy a lovely sundress?,” “woman in 40's wearing glasses,” “vintage photo woman vacuuming,” “vintage picker jobs,” “eBay full slip lovely,” “ripped sleeve,” and “baby vacuuming.”
What is my most popular blog? Anticipation. It’s making you wait, isn’t it?! It only proves to me that I was meant to be in cosmetics! Everyone might think that nowadays people care most about the economy, the ozone layer, and the fact that Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock. Nope.
Most people who search for “goddess lipstick tube,” “pop art sculptures,” ”grape vine stencil,” “claes Oldenburg a tube of lipstick,” “lipstick tube,” “dior lipstick archive images,” “stencil for lipstick,” “3 lipsticks,” “giant dr. pepper lip smackers,” “claes oldenburg make up,” “sealed with a kiss, “artist giant lipstick,” “pop art sculpture,” “dior vintage lipstick adverts,” “small lipstick tube,” “lipsticks images,” “pop art sculptures,” “lipstick for mature lips,” “break up picking up my stuff,” “lipstick vine picture,” “wife put on lipstick,” “up note lipstick,” “lipstick stencil,” Emily deschanel- chapstick,” “pictures of lipstick vines,” “swallow stencil,” “blue based lipsticks,” and “creative art, lipstick” want to know about lipstick or extensions thereof. Anyway, if you happen on that blog, you must read the follow-up blog.
Apparently, no one has googled “corgi wearing pearls” yet. But, that’s okay. There’s always tomorrow. And, the wonderful thing is that whatever I find in life or in my statistical tracking will always entice, amaze, and embrace me. ♥
I hear birds chirping outside now. It’s a beautiful sound. Happy Spring and happy weekend everyone!
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