Yesterday, I woke up thinking, “I need a simple plan.” I said before that I am a planner, and I am for the most part. I have an overall plan, which involves finding employment; however, lately, the overall plan hadn’t been working professionally or personally but not for lack of trying.
I felt it might help me, especially in the Positive Attitude department because I had been spending too much time in the Law & Order Department, to have a simple plan on a daily basis which comprised a list of tasks. If I made a simple plan and committed to it, I might feel like I had more control over my life and the structure that employment used to provide. Usually, I have a plan for each day; however, it was easier to veer from that plan when it wasn’t staring me in the face in black and white on the kitchen counter top.
When I thought about it more, this simple plan was really a contract with myself. I was telling myself that Me and I could not linger aimlessly any longer. We would have some 9-5 structure even if we had to invent it!
Of course, the simple plan would always include searching for employment. This was something I felt I didn’t need to include in my simple plan, because it would almost be like putting “2. Breathe” on the list. I knew that number one on the list every day would be “Do not turn on the TV.” (Good-bye for now, Lenny Brisco, you sexy crime-solving hunk!)
What tasks would populate my list? The tasks would be motivational yet attainable. Oh, and they would be fun, because “Fun” is my surname when it isn’t “Quirky.”
I have always been a list maker, so I didn’t find the idea of this new list intimidating. With Nathan and now with Iz, I have used my errand list as a form of entertainment. Well, that’s the spin I put on it; it seems to have worked, but don’t tell Nathan or Iz!
In the past, I armed the child in question with the list. Of course, prior to taking possession of the list, the child had groaned and moaned about doing the errands, especially if the errands didn’t involve “Go to Game Stop” or “Go to Sephora,” respectively. I then gave the child a highlighter, and after we performed each errand, the child highlighted the completed errand on the list.
If the truth be told, given that I’ve been a single parent off and on, this “game” provided me with child time and made me feel less guilty about having to drag the child along with me. In the end, there was always some sort of treat given to the child for “helping” me. I think it was always a good lesson in things you have to do but don’t want to but give you a sense of accomplishment when completed.
On my simple list, you’d never find “Clean the attic” as a task. I had been sucked in and defeated by a list item masquerading as a single task before. We all know that “Clean the attic” is about 100 or more tasks comprising some of the following:
Move boxes.
Curse dead lady bug carcasses.
Throw away items not used in 10 years; no, let’s make that 12 years, because you never know when I might want to wear these stirrup pants again.
Anyway, I was thinking my list might have “Read Chapters 11 and 12 of Screenwriting for Dummies” or something more general like “Do one load of laundry.” In the past, my problem was, and I think women are more prone to this than men, I wanted to do it all. My list was never finite; it was always infinite! (By the way, “Do one load of laundry” meant just washing it. Drying and folding it might come the next day. Remember, baby steps here, and currently, I always have tomorrow!)
So, this morning, I created my list for Friday.

I promised myself I’m going to do this every weekday until I get employment. Failure to execute the simple plan is not acceptable; and, I will impose some punishment so that if I fail it will really get me where it hurts like “No wearing perfume for the whole weekend!” I shudder when I think about that one.
As I thought about my simple plan this morning, I got an email about a potential contract job. I was excited about the opportunity; however, recently, there seemed to be some issues with part-time employment and unemployment benefits. After consulting an employment attorney, I had to turn the work down; yes, apparently, it’s better to sit home and do nothing than work for one month due to some government glitch.
The reality of it was depressing. I gave the hiring manager my regrets and then said, “Today, I remain a stay-at-home Mom.” Myself and I must have been sensing my sadness; just then I heard Iz say, “Mommy, I miss you even when I’m at school,” which was something she said to me last night, and that cheered me up right.
It’s funny how true it is that sometimes a lot of good can come from something bad. In about 15 minutes, I kicked myself in my bottom without the aid of any simple plan. I thought if I couldn’t get a full-time paid job or a part-time paid job, then why not work for free?
I immediately sent emails to the local food pantry and my daughter’s teacher asking if they needed volunteers. I then thought of contacting local Senior centers to see if I could volunteer or offer free dog walking to those who couldn’t get out for whatever reason (weather, health, and so on). Tomorrow’s simple plan will be updated to reflect this endeavor.
Amazingly, unlike other job quests, I heard right back from the food pantry. When I wrote Gail, the head of the food pantry, I told her I was a writer and good with computers. She said that she was looking for help with a new database, suggested that I come to the orientation next Wednesday, and then asked when I was available. I replied, and then she answered, “That is awesome! I look forward to meeting you!” And, that was the best job interview I’ve had all year. ♥
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
~John Lennon (“Beautiful Boy”)
1 comment:
I'm guilty of these lists being too long and I'm a guy!!! My lists are only weekend lists and this weekends already has....
1- figure out who owes me money for winning fantasy football playoffs.
2- Remind people to get ready for fantasy baseball
3- get 150 dollars back from Blue Cross for gym membership from last year
4 - Tell the ex how much she owes me for kids uninsured health care expenses
5 - reorg Sammy's bedroom.
6 - reorg my bedroom
7 - clean garage
8 - Survive Sammy's sleepover party
9 - sleep in Saturday morning
10- Take Sammy to Legal's for birthday Sunday night
the last 2 I can do!!!
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