Iz stayed home sick today; her tummy hurt last night due to a case of the runs. At 9am, I realized that her illness was the type that was miraculously cured after I said, “Yes. You can stay home today.” So, instead of taking lemons and making lemonade, we took alleged germs and made art!
Arabesque Over the Right Leg, Left Arm in Front, Edgar Degas (1878)

The Son of Man, Rene Magritte (1964)

Le Coquelicot, Kees Van Dongen (1919)

Grumpy Girl Eating Cheez-It Crackers Who Can’t Go to Claire’s Because She’s Sick, Janina Zymazimchazcheck (2010)

I am a Mom. But, even I understand that everyone needs a day now and then to be sick of being healthy. So, of course, we went to Claire’s. ♥
"At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important.” ~M.C. Escher
Happy Weekend!
Yay -- it's Art Day again.
Dear Goddess,
I'm kicking myself for not using some of your "art techniques" to brainwash my daughter to like baseball. I tried everything, including every night tucking her in and saying "dream about the Red Sox" to given her everything at Fenway, and given her 100 dollars when I won free furniture in 2007 for the World Series win!!...
Yet, she isn't brainwashed and you have successfully made your daughter love art her whole life.
Even my son, who loves going to the games, will prefer a video game to a Red Sox game on TV...
Where did I go wrong?
Sleepless in Harvard
OK, I gotta know -- do you Photoshop in the backgrounds, or do you use huge sheets of paper, or what?
Ah, so you want to know our "technique," my Pretty? 1. Sheet hung up in hallway 2. Nine sheets of computer paper on which we colored the background. 3. Hallway wall, which is "Buff," or something equally boring. <3
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