Nathan’s soccer team made the playoffs this season. Last Saturday, his soccer team played some school named after what sounded like a clam in their first playoff game. They won.
This allowed them to move onto their second playoff game. Yesterday, they were supposed to play a team from a school named after what sounded like a 40K a year private school. They were an “Academy” not a “High School!”
The weather on Saturday had been marginal for a soccer game. Earlier in the week, it had been cold and rainy. On Saturday, the conditions had only improved slightly from cold and rainy to cold and somewhat damp.
Being the Mom of a son who played soccer and hockey for the last four years, I was used to braving the elements to earn my titles, “Hockey Mom” and “Soccer Mom.” If I wasn’t shivering outside during the Spring or Fall, I was shivering indoors during the Winter at a cold hockey rink. But, I had grown fond of the challenge of dressing for the occasion; if I was going to be there, I might as well make it about fashion!
On Saturday, I made sure I brought a chair, a Winter jacket, gloves, a blanket, and Iz. Why Iz? Well, it’s very simple; she cheers loudly and functions as a small electric blanket at sporting events where the temperature is below 50 degrees.
Yes, I’m not above using my child for warmth. At a few points during the game, Iz jumped off my lap to run around. When she left, I wanted to whine, “No!!! Stay!!! You’re so warm!!!”
There were people around, so I thought it best not to divulge to them that while I loved my daughter to bits, I loved her as a lap warmer, too. I let her run around. And then, I shivered while trying to channel “Please sit on my lap again!!!” vibes to Iz.
When my “Please sit on my lap again!!!” vibes didn’t work, I was left with my desperation vibes. I channeled to the timekeeper, “Please make this game end soon!!!” By the way, none of this vibe channeling crap ever works; it does keep your mind off being cold though.
Anyway, when the whistle finally blew, due to no “Please let the whistle blow!!!” vibes on my part whatsoever, I jumped up out of my chair, grabbed my blanket, and said, “Let’s go, Iz.” Though, I had to think for a second. Did they win?
Thoughts of a warm car immediately began to thaw my brain. I said, “Yes! They won!” I eagerly anticipated the next playoff game, well, only if it were going to be playing it in Bermuda.
Knowing that the next game would most likely be occurring on a week day, I headed into work on Sunday for a few hours. I didn’t have benefits at my old-new job. The only way to take time off was to make time up.
Actually, if truth be told, I loved working when there was no one in the building. I loved the solitude and the fact that I could walk in with partial bed head, no makeup, grubby jeans, and an old sweatshirt, and that there was no one to notice. Though, given I worked among engineers, no one would have probably noticed that fashion statement on a weekday either.
I found out that the second playoff game was going to be on Monday at 2pm. Of course, weather-wise, Monday came in like a lion and stayed a lion. It was cold, raining, windy, and, in some areas, there was snow and hail. Despite that, let me say, “I love New England!”
When I left the house on Monday morning, I threw my Soccer Mom fashion statement into the car. I had my chair, my Winter coat, a hat, gloves, boots, warm socks, and a blanket. Damn! I’d have to rough it without my little electric blanket named Iz.
As I sat there warm and content (well, other than the fact that I had to figure out how to document the 15-minute bin size versus the 5-minute bin size) at work, I peered out the window periodically. The wind was blowing, the rain was coming down in sheets, and I began to shiver, feeling that I just might have the first case of pre-traumatic weather stress disorder. When I last looked out the window at 1:45, the rain and the wind had subsided.
I was glad to see the wind had died down. Besides the shivers, I had envisioned myself being carried away by a gust of wind at the game while I was in my lawn chair. As I imagined it, it was not unlike how Dorothy’s house gets twirled around and around by the cyclone in the Wizard of Oz.
At 12:45pm, the Governor called to pardon me. Okay, that’s not true, but it was similar. Nathan texted me to tell me that the game had been postponed to Tuesday.
I was somewhat relieved. Okay, I was a lot relieved. I knew that someday I would die, but when it did happen, I didn’t want the headline to read, “Woman in Lawn Chair Attending Soccer Game Carried By Strong Winds for One Mile Before Being Dropped into Sewage Water Treatment Facility and Drowned.”
Of course, when I woke up today, the day looked no better. There was no wind; thus, I knew I could strike the “Carried By Strong Winds for One Mile Before Being” from my above-mentioned obituary. I could still get deposited into a sewage treatment facility via lawn chair and drown; it could happen and, yes, I’ve watched way too many CSI episodes.
When at work, I checked the weather forecast. Rain was predicted for the afternoon. I was really glad I still had my Soccer Mom fashion statement in the car, and, for a few seconds, I even thought about getting Iz out of school early in the name of more warmth.
I admit that my fashion statement was missing an umbrella. I owned three umbrellas; however, it was funny that when I needed one, I could never find one. I attribute this to the Black-Hole-Bermuda-Triangle in my house; and her name is Iz.
At 12:45pm, Nathan texted me with “The game is still on.” I said, “Okay. I’ll see you there.” He asked, “You’re still coming?”
I guess Nathan thought that my offer to attend his playoff game expired after the first game cancellation. Obviously, he isn’t familiar with the Soccer Mom credo; okay, I have no idea what the Soccer Mom credo is, but I know we’re not quitters even when we’re shivering! I texted back, “Yes. I worked on Sunday just so I could be there. I’m coming!”
When I arrived, I plunked down my chair. I shivered, but I knew I had to tough it out without Iz the Electric Blanket. And, when all was said and done, Nate’s team lost 2-1.
They played a great game; Nathan even got to play a few minutes. As the players filed off the field, I thought, “Wow. That’s the last time I’ll probably ever see Nathan play soccer again.” Despite the weather, I’m so glad I was there instead of trying to wrap my head around bin sizes.
Nathan was rather grumpy on the ride home. After I dropped him off at home, I went out to shop. Then my phone rang.
I answered, and it was Nathan telling me that all the Senior players were going out for dinner tonight. I asked if he needed money; he said he was fine and would be gone by the time I got home anyway. He said Sam or Joey would be picking him up.
When Iz and I got home, there were only one or two lights on in the house. I assumed Nathan had left. To be sure, I yelled upstairs, “Nathan?!?!?!”
He responded, “Yeah?” I said, “Oh, you’re home. When are you leaving? Where are you going? What time will you be home?” As usual, he responded, “I dunno.”
About 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang. Actually, the corgibell rang before the doorbell. I opened the door, and there was Joey to pick Nathan up.
Joey yelled, “Nathan, come on!” Nathan thudded down the steps. Nathan got to the bottom of the steps, said “Hi” to Joey, and then began to come towards me.
I stiffened up, having no idea what Nathan's closeness maneuver was about, especially in front of his friend. Nathan then kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. I looked at Joey and stammered, “Oh, I thought he was going to give me a noogie or something.” Joey laughed.
Nathan kissed and hugged me in front of his friend!!! It was in that moment I realized that I was much happier being Nathan’s Mom than his Facebook friend. They left, I closed the door, and I then thought, “I must be doing something right.” ♥
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