And twenty-five years later, it still feels like it was just yesterday that:
o You scraped your knee in Hanauma Bay, and she held your arm so you wouldn’t pass out when you got light-headed at the sight of you own blood.
(Though you did drop your Dad’s camera that you borrowed for the trip into the bay. A week after you got home, your Dad told you that his camera didn’t work, so he took it for repair. Then he said to you quite puzzled, “The camera shop said it had sand in it,” and you said, “It did? I don’t know how that happened.”)
(Oh, and you thought you saw a barracuda while snorkeling, and your friend never believed you. It turns out that on your last trip to the New England Aquarium, a volunteer in the big tank pointed out the fish that you thought was a barracuda; thus, you had to email her twenty-four years later and say, “Um, remember when I said I thought I saw a barracuda when we were in snorkeling in Hawaii and you didn't believe me?! Well, you were right, okay!!!!”)
o You drove down to South Carolina in her V-8 mustang (read “rocket ship”) in record time to spend a week at her parent’s condo in Myrtle Beach.
o You were at a party, and she told you how much she liked your mutual friend, Skip, and you, powered by Margaritas on Patriot’s Day, blurted out loudly in a crowded room where Skip was present, “You’ve got the hots for Skip?!” (Hey, they celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary this year despite my big Margarita mouth!)
o She told you “Always go with your gut,” which was one of the best pieces of advice that anyone had ever given you.
Suzebabe, you rock. ♥
Post-it Note to Steve from Monty:

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