I was sitting at my desk at 9:44 this morning, wondering where in the world my son, Nathan, was. I had installed Skype on my Blackberry this morning, and I was waiting eagerly for Nathan to “Skype” me; is “Skype” a verb and can your son “Skype” you legally? Anyway, just as I was pondering those silly thoughts, I saw my Blackberry blinking.
I saw I had a text message. It was from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened the message and it said, “It’s Nathan. Just saying I’m here and the Internet does not work for now.”
I was so excited to hear from him. I said, “Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Are you in Hungary or the Czech Republic now? xoxoxxo**” He answered, “Hung over, I mean Hungary.” It was good to know that he still had his wise ass attitude even several thousand miles away.
*Excitement for Me = Excessive Use of the Exclamation Point
**Love for Me = Redundant Use of “x” and “o”
I told him that I just downloaded Skype to my phone, and then I asked if he was going to sleep soon. I didn’t hear anything, so I wrote, “Just added you as a Skype contact, and I’m awaiting your approval.” He had deleted me as a Facebook friend (yes, really) a month ago; however, I knew I’d be a dear Skype friend for the next nine days, especially if he ran out of forints, korunas, or zlotnys!
I got one last message. He was signing off. Hopefully, he was going to bed in Hungary but not hungry, and he would not be hung over in the morning.
For lack of any other young man to mother, I took it upon myself to take Connor under my now momentarily vacant wing. I went through Connor’s line at the super market. He’s a cashier.
Connor said, “Hi, Jean.” He paused. Then he said, “Did you dye your hair?”
I said, “Connor, let me give you a little advice about what to say to a woman about her hair. You either like a woman’s hair and tell her you like it or you don’t, and you say nothing. You never ask her, ‘Did you dye your hair.”
He said, “Oh, well, it looked darker.”
I said, “Well, I went out in the sun, and it got darker!”
He laughed. He paused. Then he said, “I like your hair, Jean.” ***
***Funny, but I don’t think Nathan would have ever understood this point immediately like Connor did. They are two wonderful yet different young men. Besides, Connor had a girlfriend; Nathan had a friend who was girl who, well, never mind; it’s complicated!
I laughed and thanked him. I hoped that someday, when his girlfriend showed up with blonde hair instead of her usual brown, he would say, “I like your hair.” She would then bestow upon him much adoration, and Connor would think to himself, “Thank you, Jean." ♥
Interesting Blog Stalker Note: As you all know, sometimes I stalk my readers. After I wrote a particular blog, which mentioned Dell, I noticed that Dell (Austin, TX) had visited my blog. I wrote another blog, which mentioned Dell, and I noticed that Dell had visited my blog again. So, tonight, even though this blog has nothing to do with Dell technical support, Michael Dell, or my XPS M1330, which is pink and not relevant to this note at all, I just wanted to say Dell, Dell, Dell, Dell, and Dell to see if they’d end up here again. Sorry. Just screwin’ with you Dell guys, and it makes for an interesting experiment in my Internet blog stalking world. ♥
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