For Lynda, a dear friend and my favorite dog whisperer...
When having breakfast this morning with my friend, Lynda, I told her it was time for me to take a trip, however, it was not to New York City or to Crane Beach. I had to climb the attic stairs to retrieve my black suit. I explained that I had an interview tomorrow morning.
Lynda exclaimed, “What?! You’re wearing a monkey suit.” I laughed. I had always thought of it as my "boring black interview" suit.
It had a jacket and then for some mix-it-up excitement, I could wear either the boring black pants or the boring black skirt. Of course, wearing the skirt depended largely on the time of year and whether or not I had recently shaved my legs. Being me though, I jazzed the outfit up with violet sweater and the always-make-you-look-classy pearls; and, by now, we all know that things look classier with pearls.
Unfortunately, it was too warm to wear my vintage wool houndstooth suit with my matching housetooth stilettos. That outfit was definitely my “power” suit. When wearing it, I couldn’t veto any bills nor could I karate chop a board in half with my bare hand; however, that suit did make me feeling like I could leap tall interviews in a single bound.
Lynda asked, “Do you really have to wear a suit? Don’t you have something else just as classy?” Of course, Lynda was preaching to the Always Dare to Dress Differently Fashion choir. I would love to wear one of my fabulous dresses from the 40s (perhaps the multi-colored one with my two-tone pink pumps); however, I felt that the boring black interview suit from Ann Taylor came before the vintage dress, even if in reality the vintage dress came first chronologically and, for me, emotionally.
No matter what I wear, I'm sure I will dazzle them, despite the boring black interview suit. I will do my card tricks, juggle, and read their minds. Oh, right, I can't do any of that; damn, I'll just have to dazzle them with me! ♥
I’m off to study for my interview now. I'm a little rusty, but I'm sure I'll do fine. Once again, I’ve gone over the usual questions and devised my usual answers for them. ♥
What are your pet peeves?
Monty’s incessant barking.
What’s your greatest weakness?
Shoes and Sephora.
Tell me about yourself.
RMB (read my blog); I’m all there in black and white when I’m not there wearing pink or pearls.
Are you willing to travel?
Yes, but only to New York City and Crane Beach, and I might consider biking to Austin, Texas.
What have you been doing since your last job?
RMB; it’s a travel log through full-time motherhood and unemployment when it’s not creative zaniness or makes some of my friends teary-eyed.
How do you handle stress and pressure?
Biking and chardonnay, but I never mix them, because that's how bones get broken!
What do people most often criticize about you?
I’m not outgoing, and I don't talk much.
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm too outgoing, and I talk too much!
What is your greatest strength?
Duh. My vintage houndstooth suit with my matching housetooth stilettos.
How do you evaluate success?
When Iz and Nate tell me that they love me.
What are you passionate about?
Everything, except Monty’s barking!
What were your starting and final levels of compensation at your last job?
My co-workers and my co-workers……………………………and the salad bar in the cafeteria when it wasn't running at lunch with……………………………my co-workers.
What will you do if you don't get this position?
Move to Bolivia and grow soy beans or, most likely, spend an absolutely fabulous Summer at Crane Beach with my daughter.
End blog picture:

More Exciting Than the Job Interview Note: Iz lost her third tooth.

Actually, she lost it at "circle time," and then she lost the actual tooth somewhere in between the classroom, the playground, and the bus ride to the after-school program. I reassured her that the tooth fairy accepted tooth facsimilies; that is, she could put a picture of a tooth under her pillow and still reap the same reward. She said, "I got $5, then I got $10. Do you think I can get a pony now?" ♥
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