Is it really almost 2011? I know New Year’s Eve is considered a big deal by many, but I don’t think I've ever really considered it worthy, well, other than that whole champagne drinking prerequisite! But, hey, maybe those one million people in Times Square know something that I don’t know.
True confession: I recently admitted to a friend that I’d like to be in Times Square one New Year’s Eve. Ebullient, crazy, wacky, but, oh, so Jean! Please sign up to go with me next year in my comment form.
I really don’t remember where I was and what I was doing on New Year's Eve for the last ten years. Funny, but it makes sense; I’m not saying that you have to be at a fancy restaurant, sipping Veuve, and munching on saltines covered in caviar. (Actually, saltines and caviar are probably a major food faux pas, kinda like pickles and peanut butter, well, unless you’re knocked up.) Anyway, I do remember where I was New Year's Eve of 1999.
I was at the White House. Okay, you got me; that’s a lie. I was at a Blue House; actually, I’m not sure if it was blue then or if it's even blue now! I was at Suze’s house; funny, but it makes sense. ♥
Suze invited me to seek safe haven with her family while we all waited for the year 2000 to wreak havoc on the world. I admit it; I took a few hundred dollars out of my checking account on the way to her house. I worked in the software engineering industry; mistakes were made…a lot!
This year, I find myself making a resolution. I guess I’ve made them before, but most of them have been unexciting and rather pedestrian like “Work out more,” “Buy fewer pairs of shoes,” and “Stop thinking that even a cat with a collar and ID tag is a stray.” This year, I resolve to be Chinese!
If you don’t understand my desire to be Chinese, then please reread the “Ebullient, crazy, wacky” sentence above. I am Polish, English, and German, though given my love of the North End in Boston and Sambuca, I think that there is an Italian milkman somewhere in my lineage. The Chinese zodiac represents 12 different personalities; I’m finally interjecting me into 2011. Yes, 2011 is the Year of Jean.
You know that it really isn’t; however, in my world, it is. It sounds selfish, but sometimes you have to be selfish. It’s not really about being selfish, it’s really about, as a friend said recently, feeling that you’re “worthy.”
2011 is the year of the rabbit. What does that mean to me? Um, Iz wants a rabbit!
I am a tiger. Tigers are “Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive, and moody.” Hmmm, for me, that gives new meaning to one of my favorite phrases, “Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!”
Err, let’s forget all that and remember, most importantly, that Tigers make great race car drivers. Why is that important? It’s only important, because I don't want to discuss my needs-improvement qualities right now. Let's dwell on the fact that I will know how to drive that great vintage 80s Alfa Romeo Spider 5-speed convertible if I ever get one!
In all seriousness, this is my year, I hope. I was reading Facebook posts today when I came across someone’s resolution, and I thought it defined the Year of Jean and echoed the best advice that Suze ever gave me, which was "Always go with your gut." Anyway, this woman wrote, “The best resolution I've ever had was to follow my intuition for a year and see what happened. It was a very good year. I recommend it!”
I will take that recommendation. I will move on. But, before I go, I wish you a new year full of my favorite things…
Flowers whenever you need them most to cheer you up…

A partner in (creative) crime…

A dog that does not bark…bad dog...cute dog...nice dog...shhhh, dog!

Warm furry creatures that purr (basket sold separately)…

Something blue in a shoe that makes you pink when you think you stink…

The knowledge, which is most important, no, more like a life skill, that everything and everyone looks better in pearls…




And even me…

Candlelight and someone to share it with while The Platters play in the background…

Something old and somewhere to wear it…

A reflection of you when you don’t have a mirror…

Friends...just mentioning those who happen to be tacky... ♥

...when I'm not mentioning those who tell you that you are worthy, those who make you go biking at 7am in Austin, TX, those who drink champagne at lunch with you nicknamed "Nan," and those who are named LisaN, LisaS, Anne, Liz, Tunabreath, Kim, Bethie Seredipity, Cathy, Marcia, and Laura.
Someone who shares your taste in music, especially when some of your son’s music makes your ears bleed…

The ability to see things from a different perspective…

A wonderful man in your life whether he be your boyfriend, your husband, your Dad, your son, your best friend, or the guy who fixes your car whose prices are totally reasonable…

And, finally, unconditional love…

Happy New Year, everyone. ♥