After twenty text messages this morning, I had finally convinced Nathan that taking a picture of him on his prom night was allowed and mandatory. At 2pm, Ethan Hunt texted me “Fay Park, 5pm.” Elated, I did a little “I get to take pictures of Nathan” jig and ran upstairs to charge my camera battery!
At 4:30, Iz and I headed over to the park where all the Junior Prom attendees went to take pictures. Parents, younger siblings, grandparents, and friends invaded the park by 4:45. All the young men looked handsome; and as the young women in their prom dresses filtered by, it was as if a human rainbow had illuminated the park.
Iz pointed to a dress and said, “Wow, look at that one, Mommy!” I pointed to another and said, “Isn’t that beautiful, Iz?” I was 47 going on 7 when I said to Iz, “It’s just like getting to see real-life Barbie dolls, huh?!”
Each couple looked like they should be on top of some prom cake. Aided by hair gel, every hair in every young man’s mane was in place, replacing the Monday through Friday bedhead. Every young woman sported an up-do that no mere mortal could construct on their own, replacing the Monday through Friday pony tail, baseball cap, or 10 strokes of a brush.
Quinn and I took the few pictures we felt we could; it reminded me of America’s Next Top Model somewhat. Models are given so many frames at each photo shoot. Thought he didn’t explicity say it, it seemed that Nathan had given us only 10 frames, and that was it!
Iz asked impatiently, “When do I get to meet Kelsey?!” I told her that Nathan and Kelsey were too busy to chat at that moment. Knowing that Nathan and Kelsey were just friends, I didn’t want to set any expectations; though later, Iz yanked at my blouse and said, “Mommy, I heard Kelsey say to Nathan that I was cute!”

Nathan and Kelsey

Iz and Connor (Ellen’s son)

Nathan and Me

When I first saw him in his tux, I got choked up; however, I remembered that, tonight, I had to be a different Mom than the one I was when he and I laughed together imagining what the cat’s were saying to each other if they really could talk. I had to be a bit more reserved; that’s the Mom Nathan needed tonight in the park.
It all came and went in an instant. It seemed that the same was true of the last 17 years. Nathan looked so handsome and so grown up; I texted him and said, “You were the best looking guy there,” and he always will be. ♥
End blog soundtrack:
Happy weekend, everyone! ♥
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