Funny, but it was as if she had been waiting to be six since the day after her fifth birthday.
There was something magical about 6 for her.
Perhaps the Kindergarten gossip was that you got twice as many presents for your sixth birthday than you did for your fifth.
I'll have to inquire.
It's interesting to see the differences between my son and daughter as far as birthdays go, but I'm sure it has to do with their totally different and unique personalities.
Nathan barely wanted to celebrate his 16th (on the 12th) with any kind of party or presents, BUT he finally caved and asked for an X-box 360.
This was so unlike Iz, who seems to think there can't be enough celebrations for her birthday this week.
Um, I think she gets that from me.
It's like the "Week of Iz" here!
Well, I've always been of the school of thought that your birthday should really be a celebration of you.
And, every one of us should be celebrated to the nth degree, well, at least that one day a year.
When you think of what it takes for that egg and that one sperm to meet and make you, well, I think you're pretty damn lucky to be chosen for that meeting and then to come to fruition, too.
Anyway, it would appear that Nathan is 16 going on 66.
He's definitely an "old soul".
And considering he's 16, he's attitude, no bad behavior, always helping out...he's already a wonderful man, even at the tender age of 16.
He's supposed to be studying for his learner's permit, but I found the study book on the floor of the family room this morning.
It's as if he's mentally beyond that whole driving thing and is already contemplating his retirement in Boca Raton sometimes!
On the other hand, Iz told me yesterday, after we dropped Nathan off at hockey, that when she got her license, she could then drive Nathan to hockey for me!
Iz is 6 going on 16.5 (drivers license age). That's my already-want-to-be-a-grown-up girl!
Today, I ran around preparing for tonight's family birthday for Iz.
I had to drop off cupcakes at school, get balloons, pick up a cake, and get cards.
Iz loves those musical cards.
So, one "Hannah Montana" and one "Who Let the Dogs Out" card later that mission was accomplished.
The big task was wrapping the "loot".
While emptying my iParty bags, I found this, which I bought on yet another whim yesterday.
I think EVERYONE should own one of these!
In fact, I think it should be tattooed on the palm of your hand when you come out of the womb!

Here's the loot: Her big present is the razor scooter; it's PINK.
Gawd, I so hate pink!
K, those who know me know that's a HUGE lie, especially Amrit.
I love pink.
I think in pink!
I am Pink!
K, I'm not, but surely I wish I could sing like her.

Ahhhhh, all hail, Hello Kitty.
I SO wish they made these flip flops in my size, and I might have to borrow the purse from her!

This one's for Tom.
Cats can be helpful when wrapping presents -- NOT!

I love doing the curlyq thingy with the ribbons.
I remember my Mom teaching me how to do this.

Here's party central when all was said and done.
Ever try to stuff 8 balloons into the back of a car when it's very windy out?
I think it should definitely be considered an aerobic exercise!

Here are some flowers I got for Iz.
Okay, okay, okay!
Ah, you people know me too well.
I SO confess.
I got them for me!
My favorite flowers are lily of the valley, lilacs, and peonies; however, unfortunately, they all die very quickly.
I love orchids...even better than roses or anything else in that flower genre.

Happy Birthday, Isabelle Georges, my mini-me and my baby girl.
I do so hope that I'm fortunate enough to see the wonderful, compassionate, and unique beauty that is you on your 16th, 26th, 36th, and 46th birthdays.
I love you, SqueakyCheeseLouise.

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