I just wanted to thank you all for your birthday cards, birthday phone calls, birthday emails, and birthday presents.
And, kudos to the one who left this in my driveway.

Okay, okay, okay…pants on fire.
I didn’t get that, but I might as well starting hinting now.
I would like an old Alfa Romeo spider convertible (red, black leather interior, 5-speed) for my 50th.
Start saving now, people! :-)
By the way, its license plate will be NRVOUS.
Anyone see “Ferris Buehler’s Day Off”?
I know Suze and Skip did. :-)
Anyway, there's a VERY nice Ferrari in it with the license plate “NRVOUS”.
Rent the movie, people!

Tangent Ferrari story: On Sunday, I was driving Nathan home from his soccer game.
I was grumbling at someone who was merging but not really merging onto Route 495.
When I say “not really” I mean that this driver just drove straight onto the highway, expecting all traffic to yield to him; that’s my pet peeve...people who merge without yielding like they're supposed to!
Another one of my pet peeves is individuals who throw their socks in the laundry inside out and all balled up.
And yet another is people who throw dog poop in their neighbor’s yards; that’s just SO unforgiveable, especially when they admit it on camera! :-)
But, I digress.
Anyway, I cursed the driver in front of Nathan.
No, I didn’t swear; I just said, “Nana-nana, nana-nana, boo-boo, Poopiehead!”
Really, that’s it!
So, Nathan said, “Mom, you’re so bad ass!”
Um, yeah, k, Nate.
And then, as I usually do after he makes fun of me, I said, “That’s it, Mr. Wise Guy, you’re SO not going to college.”
If you totaled it all up over the last two years, Nathan’s probably not going to college 137 times. :-)
Then Nathan thought a second and said, “Hey, Mom. You know, you and Dad could take that 200K you were going to use to send me to college and buy a Ferrari!”
I then asked stupidly, “So, Nathan, which would you rather have a college education or a Ferrari?”
He said, “A Ferrari!”
Hey, at least, he was honest. :-)
Anyway, my 47th (ow, ow, ow, ouch!) birthday was on Monday.
And, here's what 47 looked like in case you were wondering. :-)

And, I wanted to thank you all for remembering me the way you did.
Presents are always nice to receive, and most of my life, I have really enjoyed giving to people more than receiving from them.
Maybe I'm odd this way, but to me, giving someone a present and then seeing the look on their face is like receiving a gift.
Anyway, I preface the rest of this by sharing this quote with you by Helen Keller:
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.”
I got some lovely things for my birthday, but I think first and foremost, they were felt in my heart; that is, I love you all for caring so much about me.
Kinda sorta tangent story: I remember my last year of college, I ran out of money near Christmas.
My mother told me I was not to buy her anything; I was to “make” something.
I stood there and thought, “Make something? What, am I five years old again? Where's that little clay pot I made her in 4th grade? Maybe I can regift that...hmmmm.”
I had a think, and I finally presented her with a little coupon book on Xmas morning.
When she opened the book, she said, “Wow, 10 foot rubs!”
And I tell you, she loved and used everyone of those coupons.
The minute I walked in the door, it wasn’t “Oh, Jean, I’m so glad to see you!”
She greeted me, waving a coupon, and asked, “Can I get a foot rub now!”
Thank you, Jeff (a.k.a. Nantucket, Alaska Feed & Grain), for Spike and Daisy. <3 src="http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z53/Jean_Sizzlechick/IMG_6578.jpg">
Meet Spike:

Thank you, Brenda, for my post-it notes and for my ONE HUNDRED (yes, folks, that’s right!) GEL PENS! <3 src="http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z53/Jean_Sizzlechick/IMG_6642.jpg">
Hey, Brenda!
I have 100 gel pens now, and you only have 64!
Nah-nah-nah! :-)
Actually, Brenda is one of the few people who shares my love of office supplies (pens, pencils, post-its, and the like).
Is this a girl thing or what?
Anyway, um, here’s my basket of post-it notes.
Doesn’t everyone have a basket of post-it notes?
Oh, it’s just me?
Hmmm. :-)

Thank you, George, for the Hello Kitty rubix cube. <3 src="http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z53/Jean_Sizzlechick/IMG_6643.jpg">
As George said to me in email, “I wasn’t sure what Hello Kitty things you might *not* have…”
I don’t have these!

Yes, the rubix cube was a safe bet, George. :-)
Though it shall remain exactly as is, in its perfectly solved state, because like Calculus, the Electric Slide, and changing a bike tire, the rubix cube is a one thing I never mastered!
Anyway, my 47th was lovely.
And thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes on Monday and mostly for loving me as you do, unconditionally, the other 364 days a year.